Pick the best Australian Transcription Services

Author: Edwin Swope

Affordable and Accurate Australian transcription Services for $0.99 Per Minute

Copywriting and even the rather mundane work of Australian transcription can be daunting and tedious at times, especially when there is a load of documents to deal with. Which is why people usually hire transcription services to perform these jobs for them. We offer high quality and accurate Australian transcription services.

Pick the best Australian Transcription Services

The Internet is crowded with various companies offering competitive Australian transcription services. The industry is so crowded that it is hard to pick the best one. Different companies offer different packages, all with varying results.

One tip in picking the right https://transcriptionnow.com/Transcription-Services-Australia.php Australian transcription services for your needs is by seeking professionals with verifiable reputation. Do not just pick some random Australian transcription services that quote a low price, since most of the time these are the ones that give out subpar results.

Aside from conventional transcription services, we also offer Australian legal transcription services. What makes us better than our competitors is our diverse set of services with guaranteed quality and affordable price.

Quality, Accuracy, Price, Turnaround Time

We pride our company on having one of the best accuracy and quality work in the industry. Our Australian transcription services are highly regarded by more than 60,000 satisfied customers. Aside from the standard Australian transcription services, we are also an Australian audio transcription company.The quality of our work exceeds that of the industry standard. Moreover, we have maintained a 98% percent accuracy in all of our projects. We are able to achieve this by using native transcribers and having an in-house quality assurance division that makes sure every output reaches our high-quality standard.For our Australian transcription services, we charge a very affordable $0.99 per minute rate. No hidden charges and fine print agreements. We offer discounts for new customers, bulk orders, and repeat business. Check our website and you can get an upfront quote for your project completely free.We have one of the fastest turnaround time in the industry. We follow the standard 24-hour turnaround time and we make sure that each deadline is beaten every time. If that is not fast enough, you can try our rush and super rush services. Upload your files and you can get it back within 2 hours.

Customer support

We have a standby team of human customer support representatives that are ready to assist you regarding your Australian transcription services inquiries. These are professionally trained support staff that can give you an accurate estimate regarding the price of your project. They can also give you free quotes should you need to estimate the cost of your project.


There are a lot of Australian transcription companies out there, and picking the best hard. Nevertheless, our company makes sure that we only provide the best and high quality output to our clients. Add that to our unrivaled turnaround time and competitive pricing, you will never go wrong with us.