Types of Indian Teas and their Benefits!!

Author: Talk Charge

When the clock strikes 4 in the afternoon in India, people think about getting only one thing and that is tea. Sipping hot chai with biscuits and gossiping with friends and family members is something that can excite many of us. But, the truth is due to the hectic work schedules and addiction to coffee, the tea time sometimes take a back seat. But, no more, with amazing Chai Point Offers at TalkCharge, you can order your tea instantly anywhere and at any time.

Here are a few famous variants of tea in India that you can try:

  1. Masala Chai

When the tea is accompanied with spices like ginger, elaichi, cinnamon, cloves or any other herbs to the normal tea be it black or green, it is called masala chai. Although tea was originated in India, now it is famous all around the world and various snack houses. Such tea helps in beating the tiredness and also prevents body inflammation.

  1. Butter Tea

This tea is also known as gur gur in the common Ladakhi language and it is a very popular beverage in the Himalayan Regions. It is made by using butter, tea leaves, salt, and water and if you ask the nomads in the Himalayas, then they’d say that in a day they can consume almost 40 cups of butter tea. It has a high amount of calories, as it contains a lot of butter, but in the mountain areas it is suitable and prevents dry and chapped lips.

  1. Assam Tea

Natively grown in Assam, this black tea is famous for its briskness, body and the unavoidable strong malty palate. And not just in India, but it is also consumed in various parts around the world as a breakfast tea. Health benefits associated with it are mental attentiveness and prevention of some particular types of cancers, like lung and ovarian.

  1. Darjeeling Tea

When we talk about the Darjeeling tea, then various forms come in our mind like oolong, black, green and white. This one has a light body and a very pleasurable aroma that adds extra smoothness in the tea. This tea is known to prevent obesity and gastric ulcers.

  1. Nilgiri Tea

Commonly known as blue mountain tea, it has a dark flavor which is exceptionally aromatic and tasty. It is grown in the Southern Part of Western Ghats. Similarly like the Assam and Darjeeling teas, people around the world are very fond of Nilgiri Tea. For making ice tea, it is a very good option. In order to fight diabetes and reduce weight, this tea can help. Also improving oral health you can consume it. Basically to keep your teeth healthy and to have less trips to the dentist, you should have it on a daily basis.

For Chai Point Coupons and other offers, you can visit TalkCharge and get an opportunity to try the best types of teas in India that are worth trying.