Intergenerational Activities to Create Happiness for Seniors with Alzheimer’s
We always cherish the quality time spent with our family members. But when your loved one is stricken with Alzheimer’s or dementia, finding ways to continue those special moments can be difficult. The good news is that Alzheimer's assisted living facilities can help your family create enjoyable moments with your loved one.
An essential part of care for people with Alzheimer’s is spending time with them. Our loved ones may not remember specific memories, but creating a feeling of happiness is something they don’t forget. The Cottages, with Alzheimer’s care homes in Dallas/Frisco want families to understand there are many ways to interact and create memories with all generations.
Intergenerational Activities to Create Happiness
Using the resources that an Alzheimer’s assisted living facility has to offer, you can make plans for various activities.
Did you know a person with Alzheimer’s can still participate in physical activities?The Cottages understand that physical activity helps alleviate stress and calms agitation. A couple ideas include:
- Nature Walks - some Alzheimer’s assisted living facilities have beautiful gardens. You can walk through and smell the roses or even pick the favorite flower of your loved one.
- Make a Date - mark your calendar for a regular time to meet with your loved one and do some gentle stretches or even chair yoga.
Alzheimer’s Assisted Living with Music
Music has been known to have therapeutic benefits. This is no different for loved ones living in a memory care home. A great idea is to use music where you create a playlist that has music your loved one enjoys. Listen together and you may even decide to cut a rug together.
Happiness with Arts and Crafts
Arts and crafts can be adapted in many ways, making them an excellent choice for making memories. A few ideas for your family include:
- Painting (acrylic or watercolor)
- Using beads to make necklaces or bracelets
- Creating a flower arrangement