Yoga Studio Vs Gym: Where Should You Take Your Classes?

Author: Guru Shwaasa

Yoga is a buzzword in the world of the wellness industry. If you’re someone who wants to take Yoga but is confused between going to a gym or a yoga studio then read the article to reach the right answer.

Yoga has been around for more than 5000 thousand years. Not just a form of exercise, yoga practice balances the body, mind, and soul, and keeps you moving. Packed with a treasure of good health, practicing yoga regularly makes you achieve the most intense benefits. So if trying yoga is on your wish list and you want to get started on the journey, enroll for the best yoga classes right away.

Most of the workout regime today includes the practice of Yoga. You can find yoga classes being held at a gym, specific yoga studio, martial art classes, etc., and this makes the task of choosing the apt. place quite perplexing.

Price and affordability of a Gym and Yoga Studio

When it comes to affordability, yoga classes at the gym are affordable as the yoga class curriculum is included in the gym package. Yoga studios are much more specific and entirely focus on yoga practices owing to which these a bit expensive. But there are studios that offer monthly and yearly membership options. Enrolling for group classes can be a cheaper affair as well. If you want to completely focus on the yoga practices then prefer a yoga studio.

The Qualification of the Assigned Teachers

If you’re opting the best yoga classes in Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Gurgaon, or other metro cities, the teachers are certified and experienced both. Learning under the guidance of these teachers delivers profound and standardized knowledge of yoga. Reputable studios also hire experienced and qualified teachers and new teachers head towards the gym. So that means yoga class at the gym is taught by less experienced or new teachers which make the studio a better place to learn yoga than the gym. The convenience of attending the Class

With the immense popularity of yoga, many studios have cropped across the city which makes yoga more accessible. As yoga studios are specific, they offer different time slots and style options, keeping your convenience in mind. On contrary, yoga classes at the gym have to adjust with other fitness classes, and one has to go by a specific time slot for yoga practices.

Yoga Perfect Ambiance is required for a Great Session

Ambiance has a lot to do with the yoga practice- calm atmosphere, soothing music, dim lights, and a favorable aroma is what makes the ambiance perfect for yoga practice. Yoga studios are designed in such a way that they provide the utmost relaxation as well as inspiration to the practitioners. While joining an upscale gym, the environment is quite blended and more appropriate for common workouts.

The sense of Community- Like-minded People

Yoga studio tends to build a community of like-minded people- where you meet and befriend people of similar inclinations and avail the opportunity to learn from their experiences. Studios provide sitting areas that encourage people to stop and talk before or/and after the classes. Yoga studio builds a sense of community and if this appeals to you, a yoga studio is a way to go. Styles on Offer

Yoga studios are specific, hence provide an array of class options starting from offering different yoga styles, ailment or injury specific yoga, yoga for beginners, meditation and pranayama classes, and also teach the spiritual aspects of yoga. This is hard to come by at a gym as Yoga here is more physical, generic, without much knowledge of alignments, chakras, bandhas, etc.

Yoga studios are definitely better than yoga at a gym if you want to entirely focus on yoga. So, find the best studio. Be on your mat and get started.