Important Information That One Ought To Become Aware Of Concerning The Truth About HOPCC
Religious institutions and especially churches have become a social medias top list of criticism. While some think it is wrong to judge churches, some say that the church deserves it because some religious leaders are no longer interested in spiritual matters but rather think of how they will enrich themselves by taking advantage of believers. Well, that being the case, it is good if people would find out the truth about HOPCC.
Some people who used to be members of this congregation have complained about several issues of this church. The leadership is corrupt, and the mode in which the service is led is questionable. Some claim that they were deceived by being told to donate all their riches and wealth to the church so that they may be blessed and in order to become followers of Christ.
Some have been asked to quit their day jobs in order to be useful to the church. This does not seem like a church but rather a sect because when one is asked to give up their links to the outside world they are simply being brainwashed. They also do not want you to meet with outsiders so that they do not enlighten you to the predicament you got yourself into when you joined the church.
The church has got various branches that have also been accused of separating the young adults from their parents. They achieve this by posing warnings to the children to avoid their mothers and fathers since they will have negative effects on their lives. This ends up bringing chaos within the family setup which is not what God will want.
If you check on the churchs official site, you will see that they have upcoming open seminars for anyone who might be interested. You may be shocked to find out that most of the followers are the regular attendees. This is because most of them have quit their jobs and gone to the ministry full-time. They also give up all that they own and offer it to the leaders who advise them to do so.
Whatever that goes on in the sermons and other teachings is meant to exploit the gullible people who attend. These spiritual leaders are so confident in taking advantage of the congregation they have got freedom of religion and worship. Therefore, unless there is evidence of a criminal offense, there is nothing anybody can accuse them of in regard to their conduct.
On the other hand, the fact that there has not been any legal action against the church or civil lawsuits can point to the fact that the claims are false. These people who are attacking them may just be bitter because they did not get what they wanted from the church. No one can know for sure what happens there.
A church is and should remain a place of worship where we run away from our everyday norms to seek spiritual guidance and hope for a good future. Instead, some whom we trust have changed shepherds of the sheep to wolves that terrorize them. The church is supposed to be a place of worship and people go there to get hope and peace from an otherwise cruel world. If the church turns into a monster that feeds on the people that run there for cover, this can indeed be very sad.
When you are looking for current information on the House of Prayer Christian Church, pay a visit to the web pages here today. You can see details at now.