ANACOSINUM : Be Flu Safe - Bhargava Phytolab

Author: Sudhanshu Kumar

Troubled with blocked, stuffy nose and frequent sneezing? Worried if you or your kids need to take day offs from office, college or school because of this? Concerned if your cold will be caught by your kids as well? Are you heading on your way to flu?

Cold or its related symptoms like sore throat, joint pain, cough etc are sure to breakdown your happy days into stressful and tiring days.

There are many medicines offered on the pharmacy shelves which promise to deliver you best medication and treat your cold or flu. But do they cure instantly and completely, without any side-effects including drowsiness?

Answer is Partial Yes with an asterisk. Because such instant relief medications are known to suppress the cold which in turn leads to side-effects such as headache, blocked nose for some duration etc.

So, where to go from here?

Bhargava Phytolab, a budding homeopathic leader has come up to rescue with a one stop solution for cold and its related symptoms – ANACOSINUM.

Ever since launched, Anacosinum has been consumer’s first choice for cold or flu.

Anas Barbariae hepatiset cordis extractum 200CK, the active ingredient of ANACOSINUM is very well listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States(HPUS).

Anacosinum, works as a first line of defense against cold and flu. Supporting body’s self-healing power, Anacosinum also works to increase resistance to season’s flu virus.

Anacosinum stimulates specific cell-mediated immunity: T-helper lymphocytes and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (the latter produce specific cell lysis in cells infected by the influenza virus) and non-specific cell-mediated immunity: NK (Natural Killer) cells.

Anacosinum is safe for all adults and children above 2 years. For prophylaxis, Anacosinum has to be taken 1 vial per week; while in symptomatic dosage will be 3 vial per day at an interval of 6 hours each.

Working both as prophylactic and treatment, Anacosinum is a family medicine, which should find a place in your home medicine shelf for sure.

Working both as prophylactic and treatment, Anacosinum is a family medicine, which should find a place in your home medicine shelf for sure.

Buy Bhargava Phytolab Anacosinum homeopathic medicine for instant relief from