Fizdi India - How To Choose Art For Your Bedroom

Author: John Smith

Your bedroom is the place where you unwind and relax at the end of a long day.A good piece of art can add appeal to the aesthetics of your bedroom and transform it completely. Serene paintings hanging on the walls of your bedroom can make it your favourite place in the whole house and provide you with a relaxed environment. Choosing the right piece of artwork from the many forms available can be a tough job.

Hence, has summarized a set of guidelines for the art lover in you to help you choose the best bedroom paintings.

Choose A Painting Which Creates A Soothing Environment

When it comes to purchasing bedroom paintings, dark colours are a big no. Always choose art which has calm and placid colours. This painting is something you will see, first thing in the morning and the last thing before retiring to your bed. Hence, buy paintings which help you feel calm and invoke positive thoughts in your mind. Avoid buying violent or depressing paintings which cause one to feel anxious.

Landscape And Floral Paintings – A Great Option

Floral and landscape paintings with its subtle colours are a must have for your bedroom. These paintings instil in you a new zest with its tranquillity and create an environment which you can’t wait to relax in. You can choose a bedroom painting which matches with the colour tone of the walls and compliments the room’s appearance.

Avoid Portrait Paintings

Portrait paintings in the bedroom walls may give one a feeling that someone in always looking at them and thus disturb the peace of mind. Hence, these paintings are not suitable for the bedroom although you can find them a great spot in your living room.

Abstract Art – Not For The Bedroom

Though abstract form of art is gaining popularity but your bedroom is not the right place for it. Abstract art with its perplex appearance arises many thoughts in the mind and so you wouldn’t want it in a place where you set all thoughts free and de-stress.

Romantic Art In The Bedroom

Your bedroom is your personal space, so why not make it your own city of love? Romantic paintings add a big compliment to your space with their strong message of passion. So don’t be afraid of falling in love with romantic paintings, this season and decking the walls of your bedroom with its luminous colours.

Choose A Particular Theme

A floral or travel theme in the bedroom shall set you in the right mindset to unreel yourself at the end of the day. You can even experiment with over-sized art, for it carries its own flavour.

Your bedroom is just not a place for you to sleep in. It is the place where all the thoughts of the day come to your mind. So turn these thoughts into positive ones by purchasing the right bedroom art, for an art-some experience.