How can Trucking Industry Benefit with Uber for Trucking Solution?
On-demand mobile apps are becoming part of various businesses, as it makes it simple to manage the entire process of business. Moreover, Uber has become the important part of the sharing economy and has completely transformed relation between customers and service providers. Increasing number of logistics and transportation companies are moving towards adopting Uber for trucking solution to establish a better connection between drivers, shippers, and customers. Various features and functionalities are also being added to the mobile apps to offer better user experience.
With its success in the taxi industry, Uber has already entered the trucking industry with a mobile application for transportation and logistics companies. The app aims to connect drivers and trucking companies with shippers with just a few clicks. The truck dispatch solutions along with basic features are also adding some additional and unique features in order to differentiate themselves from competitors in the market. For instance, Uber added two new features to its Uber freight app, namely, reloads and post my truck. These features help truckers to tell the app when and where they will be available with an empty truck and find their next pickup or job.
Moreover, in the trucking industry, developing Uber-like app for trucking business is resulting in various benefits for the business. Here are some of the benefits of Uber for trucking app.
Benefits of the App for Business Owners
- Real-time Tracking and Control
With the mobile app truck owners can easily track the location of the driver in real-time. This also allows the owner to create a predefined route for the drivers, set a speed limit, and also check for violations. Information about the driver and the data can help the company to optimize and analyze.
- Working Through a Digital Channel
With the truck dispatch solution, owners do not have to make or receive phone calls. The mobile app help owners or managers to receive a new load request from customers and assign it to drivers using an app. The mobile application eliminates the chances of miscommunication and simplifies the entire process of receiving the request for delivery and making a delivery to the given address.
- Improves Productivity and Efficiency
The app helps the business to improve the productivity of the business, as there will be no unutilized trucks. As the truck dispatch app smartly connects drivers to various shipping loads or customers to complete the delivery process.
- Helps in Expanding Business
Uber for trucking solution helps to expand the business as it saves a lot of time and is cost-effective. The truck dispatch software help carriers get more business from existing customers and also connects carriers with new customers. The rating and review option in the app helps the business create a good image in the market and also get a chance to expand the business globally.
Benefits of the App for Drivers
- Easy to Access Information About Job
The truck dispatch solution for drivers makes it easy to find the job and get access to the information including pickup and drop-off location, expected time of delivery, and details on the goods to be delivered. Other information including contact information of the customer, load weight, details of the destination and other information is also provided to make the delivery process hassle-free for drivers.
- Receiving Request for Delivery on the App
The drivers receive new load pickup and drop a request on the app. This eliminates the need to search for new loads and also travel empty for a long time. Also, Uber for trucking app provides an option for drivers to accept or reject the request based on their convenience and schedule. By receiving all the details in written form it becomes easy for the driver to pick up the load and drop at the mentioned location.
- Simplifies the Process of Logging Bills
Along with picking up and dropping the load at the given location, drivers also need to get a bill of lading signed, get confirmation of the delivery from customers, add gas refill bills, record the length of the trip, etc. The truck dispatch app makes it easy for the driver to fill all the information with just a few clicks.
- Tracks Performance and Payment
The app also allows the driver to check their past performance and the payment status. The drivers are also given access to their performance report, messages from carriers, and other useful information.