How to Protect Your Creativity & Market by Music & Entertainment Lawyer?

Author: Peter Horton

If you are a musician or in a musical group, small entertainment company, entertainer, artist, writer, filmmaker, actor; you might be experiencing certain unique concerns and problems that need specific knowledge of industry terms & practices. Since creating music, art, literature, film and performing those creations need personal safety, so in order to protect that creativity and market you need to rely on music and entertainment lawyer.

These lawyers can help you sell your work in the most efficient and effect way possible. They are committed to protect your interest in your creativity and can advocate on your behalf. All the business transactions, intellectual property protection, contract negotiations necessary to afford you a sustainable career as an artist that need legal skills. These intellectual property attorney Johannesburg work out to protect your creations by providing precautions and lead to grow your career.

Representing Music & Entertainment Clients with Contract Negotiations

Whether you are an individual, a small entertainment company, performance group, you will need to enter into contracts. The property lawyer will assist you in due diligence planning, negotiations, contract reviews, contract drafting and can protect your rights. In this way you will be able to draft and review numerous agreements that include:

Music licensing agreements, sponsorship agreements, business management agreements, personal management agreements, distribution agreements, talent representation agreements, recording agreements, publishing agreements, endorsement agreements, and many more.

Intellectual Property Registration- Protection for Music & Entertainment Clients


Your clients and fans may associate your name or the name of your small entertainment company, performance group or brands with taglines, sounds, colours, logos and words associated with them. There is a lot of value in this association and in order to protect those values you need to contact intellectual property attorney Johannesburg for registration, licensing and protection.


As artists, the art you conceptualize, words you write, the music you compose or the reflection of your hard work should have a value. You will want to protect that value and that creation.

Trade Secrets

As a small musician, artist or entertainment company you will have processes and client list that you will want to protect. Thus, you must seek for music and entertainment lawyer who could provide comprehensive service including noncompetition agreements, confidentiality agreements, identifying trade secrets, and creating a trade secret protection program.

Now, these lawyers are detailed orients and through small entertainment companies, performance group and assisting band will protect your trade secrets, copyrightable material, trademarks and other intellectual property.

Heading general business needs for music & entertainment clients

As a musician, small entertainment company, entertainer, artist, writer, filmmaker, actor or musical group, you might encounter situation with similar issues that every small businesses face. Also, you might be well served with some other important legal issues like: commercial lease, business governance (partnership agreement or operating agreements), business transactions, and business formation.

Contact the Music & Entertainment Lawyer Service

For your area of bright interest, the entertainment lawyer services will surely shew you diligent work to create relationships with business managers, personal managers, talent agents, publishing companies, record companies, etc. Johannesburg is richly populated with many property lawyers servicing that understands the music industry and will open up ways to navigate through the legal complexities you may face.