Five Bedroom Tips that Can Help Any Guy Be Better in the Sack

Author: John Dugan

Every man wants to believe he is a bedroom god of epic proportions, but even the most seasoned veteran has a move or two that falls flat. Unfortunately, most women are too embarrassed or afraid of hurting a guy’s feelings to tell him when he is doing something wrong. Before falling into the old tried and true routine tonight, better double check the list to make sure the go-to moves aren’t on the list of things women actually hate. Once a guy has cleaned up his repertoire with these bedroom tips and eliminated the no-no’s, he should also do a once over on his male organ care routine to make sure his hygiene practices are up to par. After all, a healthy male organ is the first -- and most important -- step to a healthy romantic life.

The One Move Wonder

Some guys, having learned about and successfully found the little man in the boat, wrongly believe this is the best – and only – tool they need in order to get their woman where she needs to be. These men tend to go down town right away and hit the button fast and furious, ignoring the entire rest of a woman’s treasure chest. While female stimulation is important, and often key to a woman reaching a pleasurable height, it is important to change it up, explore other areas and vary techniques when navigating her lady parts. Going too hard or fast right away can also desensitize a woman and have the opposite effect, stalling or even stopping her release altogether.

The Dirty Boy

Just because a guy is into exotic acts does not mean she necessarily is. Being adventurous is okay, so long as both partners are in on the fun and interested in new and risqué positions, techniques or role playing coming into the bedroom. A guy who surprises his girl with an exceptionally dirty move, too much dirty talk, or an adult film simulation may be surprised to find himself suddenly sleeping alone.

The Moving Target

Men who fancy themselves a love expert may have attended seminars, watched way too many adult films, and committed the entire Kama Sutra to memory. Thus, they approach a bedroom session as though they have to prove how many awesome moves they know. The result? A woman who is being poked, prodded, flipped and flopped every which way without being able to enjoy a single position or action for long. If a guy finds a move she is enjoying, he should go with it rather than moving quickly from one to another; all he is doing is killing is own mojo and frustrating his partner!

The Never Ending Story

Guys seem to abide by the myth that an encounter needs to last 2, 3, or 4 hours long in order to be good, and both partners should have multiple maxes every time. Sure, she may feel like an all-nighter from time to time, but quickies or just a normal single experience with one release is okay, too. She’s got things to do tomorrow, and she needs to get some sleep, so every experience does not have to drag on forever – who has time for that?


A little dirty talk and being enthusiastic about one’s partner is a good thing; but going completely over the top in describing what she feels like, looks like, or tastes like is sure to be cringe worthy for most women. She doesn’t want to hear how beautiful her flower is, how sweet her nectar is, or other gross descriptive statements of her body parts or fluids.

Updating the Male Organ Care Routine

Now that guys know what girls hate between the sheets, they can also clean up the act down below. Keeping the male organ hair trimmed and orderly is preferred by most girls, as it reduces male odor, stops poking and itching, and makes it easier to see a man’s package – it also makes it look bigger! A clean, smooth male organ is also preferable and makes oral contact that much more enjoyable for her – she doesn’t want to be up close to a funky, bumpy junk, after all. Using a daily male organ health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can reduce and eliminate many of a man’s most embarrassing male organ issues including: male organ acne, dry skin, itchiness, redness, rash, and male organ odor. Use daily after the shower – the ladies are sure to notice a difference.