How Traditional Chinese Medicine Treat Fatigue Perfectly In 5 Conducts?

Author: Vestan Johan

Traditional Chinese Medicines is great for treating Fatigue. In today’s world of modernity, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has become more popular because of its promise of wellness and health without giving any bad side effects. Traditional Chinese medicine originated in ancient China and has evolved over thousands of years. TCM practitioners use herbal medicines and various mind and body exercise, such as acupuncture and so on to treat health problems. If you are planning to opt for TCM for treating Fatigue, then, of course, you need to visit TCM Clinic.

TCM takes the diverse view of the human body, in which the body emerges a system of energy, which is identifying as a "Qi". Qi runs from beginning to end to your body via paths called "meridians". You know Qi has two main balancing energy forces that are yin and yang. Yin energy is time-consuming and cold. Yin derives from silence activities like resting, meditation, and deep breathing. Yang energy is fast and hot. Yang energy comes from demanding physical and mental activities, such as exercise, concentrated effort, and external forces that cause stress.

As per the expert physicians who provide TCM services to the clients, fatigues can occur when the body’s energy flow becomes imbalanced, such as hyper-driving yang without nurturing yin. The main objective of the TCM is to restore or rebalance energy by treating the source of the problem in order to treat fatigue.

Here are effective approaches are given below for treating Fatigue:

  1. Acupuncture- It’s a well-know TCM practice, an acupuncturist inserts thin needles into the skin of human being at specific points in the body’s energy field. The main objective of acupuncture is to manipulate certain qi meridians. Acupuncture quiet the yang energy and encourages yin energy for treating the fatigue. It is said to be effective because it directly affects qi energy and therefore works the most rapidly.
  2. Dietary Changes- Diet is essentials in TCM as well as in yin/yang energy. In TCM, the stomach signifies the center of the body’s qi movement. Thus, the food you intake into your stomach can affect your qi. Regarding treating fatigue, TCM promotes no alcohol, eliminate sugar intake and consuming less cold or processed foods, because all these can cause tiredness. To help replenish yin energy and combat fatigue, eat and drink warm, nourishing foods and beverages.
  3. Herbal Support- You know most of the time TCM uses a variety of traditional herbal tablets and pills to diagnose fatigue and increase energy. Herbs such as ginseng root or sweet wormwood may aid in fatigue treatment. You should consult a TCM experienced physicians before using herbs because some of them can interact with prescription medications.
  4. Rest- If you wish to get the best result for fatigue, then, of course, you need to prioritize rest in order to cultivate yin energy. You can do rest in the form of meditation, quiet reading, or even just sitting still outdoors to enjoy nature.

Now, you have an idea about the basic approaches of TCM. If you wish to take TCM Singapore then these days internet plays the vital role to show the best search result for TCM clinic.


TCM physicians use a variety of techniques in an effort to promote health and treat disease. It is superb to use TCM herbal remedies under the supervision of your health care provider or a professional trained in herbal medicine than to try to treat yourself.