Digital Crimes Detection No Longer a Big Deal for Investigators

Author: Austin Investigations

The world has changed and it certainly changes because its life. We have seen the cons of the digital era and the pros as well. However, one should also note that even in this era; copyright infringement is still practiced and intellectual work is stolen easily. Another problem is that both employers and employees can be both victims and the guilty party as well because in digital, there is no such thing as borders. It’s not just companies in gig economy that can fall victim to digital crimes but also banks, financial & capital institutions as well as software companies can also fall in the trap of digital crimes.

With the election of President Donald Trump, many jobs outsourced offshore have returned back to the United States albeit in gradual numbers. This has resulted in job creation and a sense of helping Americans but there is one problem which employers understand and that is ‘theft of intellectual property’ which is at times a big deal. The United States has laws protecting intellectual property because a person deserves his/her hard work to be protected. Likewise, companies also have rights to protection of intellectual property. California is a unique state because of large numbers of tech and gig firms headquartered in the state alongside old brick & mortar firms. Employers can suffer from digital fraud by employees secretly selling designs, software and other patented intellectual work which give the corrupt employees loads of money but the company suffers huge losses. The same happens in the banking sector but of a different nature. Fraudulent and shady accounts can be opened on the basis of performing parallel transactions which involve tax evasion, fraud, forgery and hoarding money. If such is happening under the noses of the bank’s management then they are in for big ride to the court. If the police is unable to detect these digital crimes then they need a digital forensics investigation agency Los Angeles.

However, from an employee’s perspective; digital crimes involve management stealing their work and implicating them in false cases as well. There are instances where an employee has worked hard in creating graphic illustrations, info graphics, print ads, animations, software and other work requiring intellectual property trademark copyrights. In the finance industry, credentials of hard working & honest employees can be stolen by others seeking to create financial ruin as well as conducting insider trade. At times, upper level executives can get involved and protect their favorite people putting innocent employees’ career in danger. When the digital footprints are removed resulting in lack of evidence, affected employees find it hard to sue employers for unfair dismissal.

Austin investigations is a trustworthy digital forensics investigation agency Los Angeles that can help both affected employers & employees regain their losses and conduct work smoothly. It has a dedicated team of investigators with up to date tools for detection of removed digital footprints as well as ability to find the culprits easily. Fraud and forgery investigation is also among the agency’s strengths as well as detecting & presenting removed digital footprints to the police, affected and court of law.