Indira Gandhi History,Biography and Education

Author: Inc India

Symbol of politician, warrior and India Indira Gandhi has remained in history as the prime minister who succeeded in reforming Indian society and mentality, but also as the tyrant who used the army to suppress the revolts and maintain the unity of the Indian state.


Born on 19 November 1917, the daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India and the one who ruled the Indian state between 1947-1964 and Kamala Nehru, was part of an ancient brahman family in Khasmir. His grandfather, Motial Nehru, was a famous lawyer, an important member of the Indian National Congress and author of the Nehru Report, claiming the Indian people's desire to self-rule and overcome British domination.

India's father, Jawaharlal Nehru, also a lawyer, was founder and one of the leaders of India's Independence Movement, alongside Mahatma Gandhi. From an early age, Indira has been involved in the struggle for independence, even in conflict with his family. Indira created the Vanara SenaMovement, an organization for young people, girls and boys who organized protests and broadcast the illegal publications of the Independence Movement.

From the folklore of Indire's youth, stories were told that Indira would not once have been carrying secret documents in the backpack, giving information to those who were fighting for independence and who were strictly supervised by the British secret services, linking his father and other members of the movement to independence of India.

Indira was a very teenage teenager. The politician daughter was permanently overseen and was sent to study at Oxford, but the study was not in keeping with the rebellious and volunteer character of the young teenager.

The relationship with his parents was tense. Indira refuses to be a teenager in her place, she is a visitor of popular movements and youth organizations.

Indira Gandhi 's mother died of tuberculosis after a long suffering even in Indire's adolescence, which led to her detachment from the strict tradition of raising young women. The father, a political man, then a prime minister preoccupied exclusively with India's affairs, contributed little to his education.

Indira Ghandi in 1966

More stories, more or less bad, circulated on account of the weak intellectual performances of the young Indian, although she had the best schools.

In Indira, Indira met Feroze Gandhi, a young activist whom he married in 1942, before the outpouring of the Move Left India and the establishment of the Congress Party. The Gandhi family was arrested for involvement in the movement and spent several months in prison. Between 1944 and 1946, Indira gave birth to his two children: Rajiv and Sanjay.

Undoubtedly, Indira Ghandi had a special destiny, a destiny of militant, a fighter for the rights of his own people, not one of a mere Indian woman.

Between politics and family

His first important civic action was the organization of refugee camps in 1947. The Indian state had proclaimed its independence, when the conflict with Pakistan began, a long and bloody conflict that would mark the history of the two states.

Millions of Indians were forced to flee from the Pakistani border region, people who left their homes, and once they fled, they needed shelter and food, hoping they could rebuild their lives somewhere.

The Gandhi family settled in Allahabad, where Feroze worked as a journalist at a Congressional newspaper and an insurance company. But the destiny of the young family was marked by Indire's move to New Dehli, where his father needed much support and help.