How to Set Up Basic Routing in Angular 2

Author: First Enquiry

With the ongoing authority arrival of Angular 2, it's a decent time to get up to speed on a portion of the most significant changes.

One thing that is changed a ton is the Angular 2 router, which was supplanted in the number one spot up to the last discharge. I'll demonstrate to you proper methodologies to make course setups and how to utilise them in an app. You'll find out about primary routes, diverting, and trump card routes. At that point, you'll perceive how to utilise a mandate to design your app segment to show the routes.

The article pursues on from past exercises in the course. However, you ought to have the capacity to pursue the strategies we utilise. You can discover the source records for the entire venture on GitHub.

Step by step instructions to Create Routes in Angular 2:

Why Use Routing?

It is conceivable to assemble a full app in Angular 2 without directing. So on the off chance that we can do this, for what reason do we require addressing by any stretch of the imagination?

The fundamental reason is that on the off chance that we don't utilise steering, our app will depend exclusively on the route through program control. We should change out components dependent on client collaboration, for example, when they tap on something.

With steering, we will have the capacity to explore by exchanging URLs. All components will guide to a course, enabling us to move around our app effectively.

Step by step instructions to set Up Routing:

To start with, with the end goal to make steering work, we have to include a base href in the leader of our index.html document.

Already, we would design our routes within the part that hosts them. For this situation, this would imply that we add our course configs to our app.component record. With the new router, it is recommended that we make our course arrangement in a different document.

app.routes.ts :

So how about we make a document called app.routes.ts in the base of the app envelope. The main things we will add to this document are the imports.

In the first place, get provide router or RouterConfig from the Angular router. At that point import the About, Error, and Home components from the pages envelope. We have to import these with the goal that we can course these components.

Here we are utilising a const assertion. This is one of the manners in which we can announce a variable in TypeScript, and it represents esteem that can't be changed. For this situation, we are utilising it to hold our RouterConfig.

Presently, the main thing we will include is a divert. In a minute, we will consist of a trump card course for our error page. This without anyone else will cause our app to begin from the error page. The reason is that when our app starts, it doesn't have a course. Subsequently, we have to determine a part as the default course.

We could without much of a stretch add the part we need to begin our app to the vacant course; however, the proposed approach to deal with this is with a divert. The diver needs to start things out, or it won't work appropriately.

First, we have our way, or, in other words, a course. This is the course our app will dispatch with. At that point, we have our divert, which will change our way to home when it experiences a vacant course. From that point onward, we have our path match. I won't expound but to state that this makes the unfilled course coordinate the divert.

At that point, we have our course that points at the AboutComponent. The way is set to 'about', or, in other words, will find in the location bar when we explore this course. The part that will be explored to is the AboutComponent. From that point forward, we have the home component. The way is 'home', and the segment to dispatch is the home component.

This is the course that we will explore to from the divert. At that point, the last session we will include is a trump card course. This will coordinate any routes that we have characterised. This is likewise why we added the divert. If we didn't, our app would begin at this course since we start from a path that isn't characterised, an unfilled route.

In the wake of including the divert, any course that we compose that doesn't exist will get our error page. At that point, we send out another const utilising the given router technique from the Angular router. We use the routes that we arrange with this strategy. When we do that, our routes are done. The exact opposite thing we need to do is add directing to our app.


Go to the main.ts record. The principal thing we will do in this document is import myRouterProviders from the app routes record that we made. At that point, we need to add it to our bootstrap work. Including them here has the advantage of making the routes accessible to the majority of the components in our app.

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