How to Choose a Weight Loss Procedure

Author: Dr Stephen Watson
Weight loss surgery is a big decision. But after you come to the conclusion that it’s the best route for you, there are still options. Which surgery is right for you? There are several weight loss surgery options – gastric bypass, adjustable gastric band, and sleeve gastrectomy, among others. Depending on any medical conditions you may have, laparoscopic gallbladder surgery in Perth or even laparoscopic fundoplication may be needed. There is no one type of weight loss surgery that is right for everyone. That’s why there are different options. Look at the purpose, method, and statistics on each type of surgery to find the one that is right for you. Factors you should consider for each weight loss procedure are:• Amount of weight loss expected• Speed of weight loss• Long-term weight loss success• Follow-up/maintenance requirements• Side effects or consequences of lapsing in diet• Your anxiety or comfort level • Surgery reversal possibilityMost patients consider the amount of weight loss they can expect to be the number one concern. For example, gastric bypass patients generally lose 70% of their excess body weight, while sleeve gastrectomy patients usually lose around 60% excess weight. If you choose gastric banding, you can expect to lose around 50% of the excess weight. That number may be important to you.The speed of weight loss is another concern for many patients. If you want the weight off as quickly as possible, you may want to look at gastric bypass or sleeve, as you’ll typically lose the maximum weight within a year to 15 months. Gastric banding patients lose weight less quickly, often reaching the surgery goal within two years. Long-term weight loss success determines whether you regain the weight. The main factor in either is follow-up, maintenance requirements, and lifestyle changes. With some procedures, the maintenance is ongoing. Look at the long-term success of all procedures you consider, as well as anything you’ll need to do to lose the weight and keep it off.With some surgeries, there are side effects or consequences if you don’t keep those requirements. For example, dumping is common in gastric bypass patients. Some patients feel better if they have consequences, and some don’t. Make sure you’re comfortable with the possibilities.The procedure you choose should be right for your anxiety or comfort level. Some patients want a less invasive option than gastric bypass or sleeve gastrectomy. Others are comfortable with it. Some patients prefer a band or gastric bypass because there is surgery reversal possibility. Research how the procedure is done and make sure you are okay with the procedure, any complications, and permanence.If you have gallbladder problems, laparoscopic gallbladder surgery in Perth may help you lose some weight. Laparoscopic fundoplication, while effective for treating gastroesophageal reflux disease, doesn’t have clear effects on weight. Your surgeon can help you find the best solution for you based on your goals, other medical issues, and your feelings about the options.