5 Incredible Health Benefits of Almond Butter
Author: Kunal Kapur
To bring about an effective change to your everyday diet, add almond butter to it. It’s not a new thing. It has been there since ancient ages as this is nothing but butter made from a seed of an almond tree like peaches and apricots, and is a very well-known and significant ingredient in baked treats and candy bars. Why is almond butter healthy? It’s because it’s rich in antioxidants, minerals, healthy fats, and vitamins. Here are 5 incredible health benefits of almond butter:
- Almond butter provides us with monounsaturated fats which are healthy and necessary for our bodies. These fats can lower heart-related risks and diseases. It also provides antioxidant action that we get from Vitamin E which helps in lowering cholesterol.
- Almond butter is rich in magnesium. It’s so rich that even a small spoon of almond butter contains high amount of it. It boosts the condition and health of the heart by enhancing the circulation and flow of oxygen, blood, and nutrients like potassium, and other nutrients important for good and stable heart health and normal blood pressure. It also helps in keeping the blood sugar level stable.
- Almond butter is best suited for those with diabetes due to the protective antioxidants and low level of glycemic index and also because they prevent or reduces the risk of increase in insulin and blood sugar level when consumed. Consuming it for at the least, four servings a week prevents and reduces any risk of heart disease or ailments by almost more than 35 per cent.
- Almonds, as we know, are rich in Vitamin E and healthy flavonoids. Eating just even a spoonful of this almond butter reduces the risk of the development of stones in gallbladder of women. Almonds are also rich in minerals such as copper, manganese, riboflavin, or Vitamin B2 which are highly essential for energy production.
- Consuming almond butter regularly leads to reduction in gaining of weight or maintaining a healthy weight, despite high amount of calories. Also, it’s not very difficult to consume almond butter because it’s usually more delicious than other diet food due to the various forms in which it can be consumed, such as on sandwiches, in smoothies, celery sticks, and so on.