Simplify the Process of Managing Society with a Digital Management System in Place

Author: Deepti Gaur

Today the urbanites prefer living in apartment societies or housing colonies instead of independent houses. There are many reasons for this. Among the many, it is safe and secure and the maintenance of the house becomes easy.

This is because these housing colonies have a digital society management system in place. This makes it easy to manage the whole colony. There is so much to be managed from providing different kinds of services to security to bill generation to cash collection and more.

When every detail is digitized and automated there is no human interference. The error quotient then becomes near zero. Also, every act becomes transparent. Everyone who is an occupant is the member of the society and is given access to the software whether it is in the form of a website or mobile app. Also, there is a facility of customizing the software according to the need of the society.

On this, the members can check for the details which are broadly categorized into 3.

  1. Society share
  2. Data management
  3. Accounting

The society share is about the societal operations. It lists the members of the society, the common services and optional services, notice board, calendar of events, gallery, classified, poll forum and much more. So when you log in to your account you can know any new happenings in the society as this may be put up on the notice board. You can send a general message to all through this like the passing away of your family member instead of calling each one in person. Also viewing the calendar, you can know about the different events conducted by the society for its members. You can also post for job offer or request for a maid or something such on the classified section.

Using this society management software or the app it becomes easy to communicate as well as become updated about what is transpiring in the colony. Yes, you also get some updates and notifications via email or SMS on request. Being a member it is vital to be active in the running of society. So keeping abreast of the occurrences is not only your right but also your duty. You can come up with some suggestions to work for the betterment of the society or colony too.

This brings about healthy communication among the members and they can have a healthy neighborly bond. With working together for the common goal this can be strengthened with showing unity and standing up for each other. Each member can take turns to be the team leader or manager. This way the workload gets shared and also equally distributed among them. This gives way for peaceful living. That is why many citizens prefer a colony for a residence.

Then you have the data management. Here you have the society rules and regulations put up along with the common and optional facilities and amenities provided. You have the members list, the parking lot list, a meeting tracker, complaint box, member list with the names of the admin's head, document repository and more. This allows each member to know about society and then avail the facilities with ease.

Coming to the accounts section by using the software accounting the services provided and its billing becomes easy to do. There is transparency in this. Bills are automatically generated and sent to each member for the facilities and amenities availed each month. When the payment is made it is recorded and if not there is a reminder sent too. In case of nonpayment of dues at the stipulated time penalty also is levied and the same will be intimidated to the member responsible.

Digitization has simplified running apartment society or housing colony without much of a hurdle. On facing any such it is addressed with ease. Don’t you think it is high time you got one for your housing colony too?