Best Practices for Magento Maintenance and Support You Wish You Knew Earlier

Author: Vachel Ladd

Magento is a popular e-commerce store development platform powering over 250,000 active online stores globally. However, like every open-source e-commerce platform, Magento is also prone to some minor issues such as security, speed, and updates, which can hamper the performance of your site and badly impact the user experience of your store. This could lead to a loss of sales, leads, and revenue of your business. That is why you need to take appropriate Magento maintenance and support measures to ensure that your e-commerce site runs seamlessly without compromising the security of your store. Anything could happen to your e-commerce website if it is not well-maintained. This includes financial loss, customers’ data theft, reputation damage, loss of merchandise, and more. Enlisted below are some of the best practices you can follow to optimize the performance of your Magento store.

1. Upgrade to the latest version

The first thing that you need to do is to upgrade your Magento powered e-commerce store to the latest version. According to a report by Symantec, U.S. consumers lost around $19.4 billion dollars in 2017 dealing with the impact of a cyber attack. By upgrading your store to the latest version, you can protect it from hackers. That is why it is considered wise upgrading to the latest version rolled out by Magento. Each time a new version is released, it comes with security patches to fix the potential security issues. Besides security, other benefits of upgrading to the latest iteration are as follows:

  • Improved checkout process
  • Improved performance and scalability
  • Key integrations
  • Mobile Friendliness
  • Advanced reporting
  • Ease of upgrade
  • Instant purchase
  • Email marketing automation
  • The most promising way to upgrade your store is availing Magento support services from the experts.

    2. Always go for a reliable hosting service

    Choosing a reliable hosting service provider for your Magento powered e-commerce store is the second best practice that you need to follow. Always ensure that the hosting service provider you choose works according to the latest industry standards. When choosing a hosting service, always keep in the mind the size of your store, the system requirements of your Magento version and the amount of traffic you expect. Also, it is suggested to take into consideration the scope of growth in the future. Do not fall for cheap hosting services or free hosting. The companies that offer cheap hosting services or free hosting have poor services, low reliability, and unreliable staff. Don't put your company's reputation at stake by choosing cheap hosting services in a bid to save a few bucks.

    3. Seek assistance from an experienced Magento maintenance and support company

    If you are not technically sound or don't have enough time to take care of your Magento store maintenance and support, you can seek assistance from a reliable and experienced company like Magentio that provides all-inclusive Magento services. When you hire the experts from a reliable company, they will bring to the table their years of expertise in extending quality solutions at an affordable price.

    Magentio is one such company that is backed by a pool of certified experts who have rich experience in Magento maintenance and support. Connect with the experts today. Drop an email at