Simple Barriers to Help Prevent Mishaps on Roads

Author: Hitesh Lunia

The simplest way to prevent collisions on the road is with the help of crash barriers. These are metal or concrete devices built to take up the shock of impact and prevent speeding vehicles from colliding with obstacles and causing damage. There are flexible, semi-rigid, and rigid barriers. The rigid barriers give protection from a very close range because they hardly undergo any deflection. This type of barriers is metal and concrete barriers.

Semi-rigid and flexible barriers

The semi-rigid barriers are box beam guide rail, heavy post blocked out corrugated guide rail, and thrie-beam guide rail. These allow a deflection of 3-6 meters. The thrie-beam is like a corrugated rail but has three ridges instead of two. Force is spread through deformation of the soil and vehicle bodywork. The flexible barriers have a weak post and cable barriers. This allows a deflection of 1.6-2.6 meters. It can stop a light passenger truck and the force dissipation is through rail elements, deformation of the rail elements, soil, and vehicle bodywork.

To know more about the different types available, approach the W Beam Highway Crash Barrier Exporters. Rigid barriers are made from concrete usually. They are long lasting and give full protection even when you stand right next to the barrier. These barriers are constructed according to the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways IRC: 119 and NCHRP: 350 norms. The different types of barriers available include Single W Beam Metal Crash Barrier, Double W Beam Metal Crash Barrier, W beam, highway crash barrier, Single faced single metal beam barrier, single faced double metal beam barrier, and double face single metal beam barrier.

Use of barriers

The other ways we look at barriers is to see what purpose they serve. For one, they help to stop vehicles from hitting roadside obstacles. For this purpose, they build metal barriers near signs and projections on the roadside so the vehicle can get a deflection and veer back to safety on the road again. They also build it around bridges and water bodies. Another use is to prevent collision between vehicles coming on the opposite sides of the road. These are called median barriers because they usually are present in the middle of the road. You can get the exact specifications from the W Beam Highway Crash Barrier Supplier.

Usual places where we use barriers

Most common places where we use this is in school areas and residential localities. When the road runs close to the places where we have a lot of people, it is usual to find guardrails protecting the people. Another name for this is Armco rails. Testing is done on the rails through actual crashing with the vehicle running at optimal speed and hitting the target at an angle of 25 degrees.

It is most usual to find bridge barriers while crossing a river or an over-bridge. It extends on both sides of the roadway and protects vehicles from passing over. You also find it on hilly slopes where there is a chance of the vehicle rolling over and falling down the slope. Also, we see it in U-turns on mountainous roads.