What you should know before ordering organic cow milk online in Delhi

Author: Arun Kohli

Organic cattle-rearing is a challenging affair. If you compound that with the already lofty cost of conventional dairy cattle keeping you’ll have a clear picture of why few cattle farmers are into organic dairy cattle farming. Still, organic milk’s demand is steadily rising and supplying this valued commodity has become quite lucrative. There are even several firms vending organic milk online.

What exactly is organic milk?

Organic milk is produced by dairy cows that have been reared entirely organically- by feeding on naturally-grown fodder and pasture, without administration of antibiotics and are free of growth hormone administration. Further, organic milk is extracted from the cow’s udders solely by milking machines to avoid chemical contamination by human hands.

Nutrient content

Although organic milk nutrient content has been proven equivalent to that of conventional milk, the former still boasts higher concentrations of Magnesium, beta-carotene antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin E, Iron, Selenium, and Phosphorus. Besides, organic milk contains a higher Omega-3 fatty acid content than non-organic milk. Consequently, organic milk is preferable for optimal growth and development of children.


Whereas some local milk vendors use preservatives to lengthen the shelf life of conventionally produced milk, organic milk is pure-has no trace of preservatives or adulterants whatsoever! Preservatives are among the most toxic environmental contaminants alongside antibiotics, non-biodegradable compounds, and pesticide accumulations. Since organic milk is devoid of all these pollutants, it’s inherently more environmental-friendly than its rival, conventional milk.

Growth hormones

While organic milk is produced without injection of synthetic growth hormones, standard milk-producing cattle are sometimes injected with Oxytocin-rich growth hormone to perk up milk production. However, pasteurization destroys most of the traces of these growth hormones. These hormones have been linked to the premature onset of puberty in children, an alarmingly frequent occurrence nowadays.

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Genetic engineering has enabled conventional dairy farmers to rear cattle with exceedingly high milk yields. On the other hand, organic dairy farming circumvents GMOs entirely, making organic milk yields considerably lower and rarer than standard milk.

Availability of organic milk

Only a limited portion of dairy farmers in Delhi, practice natural dairy cattle rearing. A few firms like whytefarms.com are specialists at supplying organic milk across Delhi, NCR.


Conventional milk employs various preservation techniques including refrigeration, cold-press treatment, and pasteurization. On the contrary, organic milk usually undergoes ultrahigh treatment (UHT). UHT not only kills all other elements present in the milk but also gives it a lengthier shelf life. Although this makes it somewhat safer than regular milk, UHT treatment also burns off some milk proteins and sugars, adding a distinctive flavor to the milk but deeming it unusable for cheese production.

Final thoughts

As the demand for fresh cow milk rises, a similar change is happening on the supply side with more milk suppliers and vendors entering the market. While it’s cheaper, more convenient and easier to order organic milk online than shopping for it physically, it’s rational to ascertain that the delivered product is certified organic milk.