Why California Avocados are Considered Good for Diabetic People?

Author: California Avocados

Every one of us has been hearing a lot about the increasing instances of diabetes in young adults and children. As per the reports published by American Diabetes Association, over 30 million people had Diabetes in 2015 and the statistics included people of all age group. Not just that, more than 25% of the US population was pre-diabetic. Pre-diabetic is a state when a person has higher than normal levels of blood sugar but not high enough to be concluded as Type 2 Diabetes. With so many pre-diabetic and diabetic people, it is important we take preventive measures for combating the situation.

We need to figure out a diet plan wherein people consume healthy foods, avoid food and beverages with added sugar, along with engaging in some or other type of physical activity. A study states that avocado consumption decreases the risk of metabolic syndrome in adults which is a cluster of risk factors that includes increased blood sugar levels and risk of heart disease. It is recommended to make organic California avocados a part of your daily diet to prevent the risk of diabetes.

Ways you can add avocados to your diet

The key to prevent diabetes is to eat a variety of healthy foods with fats that are beneficial for cardiac health and California avocado is one such fruit. Having 50 gm of a medium avocado has 80 calories and 20 minerals and vitamins. One serving of California avocado is also a good source of fiber which is another essential of a diabetic diet as it helps in preventing sudden spike in blood sugar levels and keeps you full so you can avoid binge eating.

Consumption of avocados throughout the day

It is recommended that one should have consistent and frequent meals that are spread evenly across the day as it helps in stabilizing the blood sugar levels. California avocados are quite versatile as they can be a part of your breakfast, lunch, and dinner in different recipes. You can also snack them in between.

Delicious ways of incorporating avocado in your diet throughout the day

  • Breakfast

You can have avocados in breakfast by making an avocado burger and egg bowl recipe which has less than 15 grams of carbohydrates.

  • Lunch and dinner

During main meals of the day such as lunch and dinner, try to go for a Mediterranean style eating pattern which contains monounsaturated fatty acids as they help in controlling sugar levels. You can find these fats in nuts, fatty fish, and California Avocados. You can try the Avocado salmon bean salad, chicken Albondi gas soup, and the California tuna salad wrap as they all have less than 60 grams of carbohydrates and they make for delicious lunch/ dinner recipe.

Explore the web for more information and suggestions on choosing the best California avocados and preparing some healthier dishes with them.

Ken Kesey is a nutritionist at a leading hospital in California and she recommends California avocados to her patients for supporting their daily dietary intakes. She is a keen blogger and she loves to write about health tips, fruits that can balance your body sugar, and tips to find organic California avocados to secure a healthier lifestyle.