How To Teach AWS Better Than Anyone Else

Author: Rajeev Kumar


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a comprehensive and safe cloud services platform delivered by Amazon. The AWS Cloud provides a broad range of infrastructure services, such as computing power, storage options, networking and databases to businesses, assisting them scale and grow. Amazon provides its services on-demand with pay-as-you-go pricing policy.


Given below are a prerequisite that one needs to learn AWS. If you join Best AWS training Institute in Delhi NCR, then make sure you have knowledge of points given below:

Knowledge of Operating Systems

To learn AWS, it is crucial to learn the basic concepts of Operating Systems, which includes Windows, Linux, etc.

Knowledge of Virtualization

Once you obtain the working knowledge of operating systems, the next thing to learn about Virtualization Technology. It is a method to the house and runs multiple operating systems (virtual machines)

Knowledge of Networking

Networking is an important element of Amazon cloud as all operations in a cloud platform involve networking. You should at least have knowledge of how IP addresses work & understand what public and private networks are.


When it comes to Best AWS training classes resources, there’s no lack of information. Considering the broad range of videos, blogs, tutorials, and more, it’s hard to know where to look. Finding the best resource depends on your needs for AWS, your learning style, and getting the most updated information available. Given below are some of the resources to learn AWS:

AWS Self-Paced Labs

AWS self-paced labs provide you with hands-on learning in a live AWS environment, with AWS services, and actual scenarios you would come across in the cloud.

AWS Free Tier

With the AWS Free Tier, you can try AWS services for free. This is a great way to test out AWS for your business, or for the developers out there, to try services like AWS Code Pipeline, AWS Data Pipeline, and more.

AWS Documentation

AWS Documentation is like a virtual encyclopedia of terms, tools, training, and all AWS. You will find case studies, white papers, tutorials, cloud computing basics, etc. This resource is a one-stop- solution for all of your AWS documentation needs, whether you’re a beginner or advanced user.


Amazon does an excellent job of offering hands-on training, documentation, tutorials for users with a range of experience. But, YouTube opens up a whole new world of video training which includes contributions not only from Amazon but other resources as well.


As cloud technology usage continues to expand, blogs are an excellent way to stay up to speed with AWS and the world of cloud computing. Of course, in addition to labs, extensive documentation, a free-trial, and their own YouTube channel, AWS also has their own blog.

AWS Training

The best way to learn AWS is by joining any reputed AWS training center, which describes an AWS cloud topic and then let participants tackle a hands-on lab for practice to reinforce what they've learned. Apart from that, when you will join AWS training in Noida you will also earn international certification which will boost the value of your resume.