Most Effective Urinary Incontinence treatments available in Bangalore

Author: Pankaj Sharma

As India’s third largest city, Bangalore is finding more and more of its aging population requiring a urinary incontinence treatment. While often seen as embarrassing enough to avoid even mentioning to your doctor, the need for a urinary incontinence treatment Bangalore is actually very common. Luckily, there are many different treatments available to those in Bangalore who require assistance.

The easiest and simplest solution for someone suffering from bladder problems can sometimes be behavioral treatments. Something as simple as reducing your fluid intake, if you are prone to stress incontinence (urinating while laughing, sneezing, or coughing) may be enough to remove the problem. Spicy foods may also be avoided as these can irritate your bladder and make the problem worse, especially if you suffer from urge incontinence (the sudden urge to urinate). Caffeine can also be a trigger and may need to be lowered or removed from the diet entirely. If these steps do not work, another similar treatment may be pelvic floor muscle exercises, known as Kegels. These can train your bladder to increase the length of time between each required bathroom visit slowly. After enough practice, you may find yourself with no incontinence issue at all any longer.

As a safety measure, there are also protective pads or other absorbent products that can provide protection in the case of an accident. This can provide peace of mind, even if they are not ever required. Panty liners or other pads can be worn, similar to menstrual pads, which can catch any fluid before it becomes a problem. One can also use a pessary, which is a plastic device that is inserted and helps to support the neck of the bladder, particularly helpful to those who suffer from stress incontinence. This can make someone who suffers from urine incontinence problems feel more like themselves, and much less stressed. Never having to worry about laughing or sneezing while you are out with your friends, or even at the office, will make a patient’s life far more calm and enjoyable.

For more severe cases, there are several medications available, which can help those with overactive bladder or other issues. Even Botox may be used to help the bladder muscles relax. If these solutions are not workable to do not show result, surgery may be required. Those in Bangalore who suffer from urinary incontinence need not fear as there is a variety of effective treatment options available.

To know more about urinary incontinence treatment Bangalore, visit us online.