What Are the Most Essential Components of a JCB Rock Breaker?
A JCB rock breaker is a heavy piece of machinery which is primarily used in the mining industry to break rocks. It is robust and built rugged for long-lasting operations. A JCB rock breaker is designed to manipulate large rocks which include breaking large rocks into smaller rocks. If you are looking JCB rock breaker for sale, you need to pay attention to the essential components during purchase.
Main Components
The JCB rock breaker has two main components a hydraulic hammer to break rocks and a boom which is also known as hydraulic arm. There is a wide range of accessories available that can be used to perform different mining tasks using the rock breaker machine.
Contractor Breaker Range
The contractor breaker range used with JCB rock breaker comes in varied sizes. When you buy JCB machine parts, you need to pay attention to important specifications like the size of the tool, the operating weight, and impact energy. The measurement of impact energy is very important to determine the capability of the rock breaker tools for the customers. The hydraulic hammer is also used to crash road pavement, break rocks at the quarry and many other tasks. Some of the main types of contractor range breakers are
Compact Range Breakers
The compact range breakers are easy to use and mount on the arm. Its design is versatile and gives you the power and flexibility to perform a variety of tasks. The compact range breakers have features like non-greased tool brushing and membrane type accumulator which make these compact range breakers maintenance free. All you need to do is fit the compact range breaker in the arm and start working and keep working until the given task is completed
Small Range Breakers
The small range breakers used with JCB rock breaker are capable of tolerating a wide range of high back pressures and accept a wide range of oil flows. This means the small range breakers can be installed on a wide range of JCB rock breaker machines and used for diverse applications.
Medium Range Breakers
When you buy JCB machine parts like medium range breakers, you need to ensure the impact energy of the tool is sufficient for the application. The medium range of hydraulic hammers incorporates tools and pistons that are perfectly matched to ensure maximum energy transfer and deliver optimum power and breaking efficiency to complete the task successfully.
Large Range Breakers
If you are looking for JCB rock breaker for sale that can work with large range hydraulic hammers, make sure the hammer stroke length and blow energy is sufficient for the application. The blow protection technology is incorporated in the tool that allows the hydraulic hammer to match to the carrier and application. The large range breakers are optimized for hydraulic efficiency and safety.
The Hydraulic Arm
The arm is one of the main components of the JCB stone breaker and you need to ensure the hydraulic hammer is fitted on the arm in the right manner. JCB stone breaker features hydraulic cylinders to mount the breaker. The whole system also comprises an impact absorbing frames and base, flow and pressure sensors, high-speed accurate data acquisition system, and hydraulic power unit driven by a diesel engine.
You need to ensure the hydraulic arm and its components are functioning efficiently and there is no uneven wear and tear of any component. This is necessary as any problem with the hydraulic arm would bring JCB Stone breaker to grinding halt.
To ensure the JCB stone breaker works efficiently, you need to perform a daily inspection of the main components and look for damage. If you find any sign of damage, you should replace the damaged part immediately for trouble-free operation of JCB stone breaker.