Unpacking Secrets - How To Move Fats to Your New Bournemouth Home

Author: Stephanie Cooper

Bournemouth is a lovely town, and you are lucky to move and live there. It is a hot spot for tourists, business is booming and the weather is great all year round. Deciding to relocate there may be the best decision you have ever made. The almost Mediterranean climate during the warm months and the soft winters make it a great place for people with health problems.

Right now the biggest obstacle standing between you and your dream town is the unpacking. Don't look at such disbelieve, the process of placing everything you own in your new home is the most exciting job in the world. Let us explain. At first, you are excited and filled with energy. You make plans, organise people, calculate expenses, deal with numerous problems. In the end, the moving truck is in front of your new porch, and you feel like you have just participated in a marathon. Unfortunately for you, you can't just go inside and lay on the couch, because the couch is still neatly packed in bubble wrap. This is the moment it will all hit you - everything is neatly packed, you have no clothes, no furniture, no nothing.

So now you are sitting on the front steps and wondering from where to find the energy for the next couple of days of unpacking. Don't worry we got you! Here are some valuable unpacking secrets that will make your life easier.

It Is Good to Have a Plan

Without a solid plan, every house move will turn in to a hectic mishmash of annoyed parents, screaming children, forgotten items and broken glass. That is precisely why all good moving companies advise their clients to sit and think really hard about the organisation of the whole "show." Something that they often forget to tell you is that if you pack properly, you will unpack fast and easy. Here are a couple of things you need to keep in mind while still preparing to leave your old place:

  • Label everything and put numbers on the boxes. They will indicate you which box to unpack first when you arrive at the new location.
  • Start by packing the things you don't use often. Leave the essentials from every room for the last one or two boxes. Arrange everything to be easily accessible.
  • When loading your belonging in the transportation van or truck, place the important boxes last, so you will be sure they will be unloaded first. If you are using a couple of vehicles, load the first one with all the things you will need in the first days in the new house.
  • Stay Aware of Your Surroundings

    Before opening the first box there are a couple of things you need to take care of first.

    Walk around your new Bournemouth house and envision where exactly you want to put the heavy furniture and how you will arrange it. This mental map can be transferred into a piece of paper and use as an unpacking guide.

    Keep in mind you need to regularly check the weather forecast through the entire home changing process. Bournemouth is still in the UK, and the autumn showers are not a surprise for anybody. You need to strictly monitor the unloading and if you spot a damaged box, you must open and examine it immediately. Accidents do happen, the important thing is that you react quickly and adequately.

    How to Properly Unpack Your Belongings

    After you have planned everything and have closely monitored the unloading process comes the dreaded unpacking part. Fear not, just follow these simple instructions:

  • You don't have to do all in one day. Unpack little by little, take care of your physical and mental health and relax.
  • Call your family and friend over and ask them for help. There is so much to be done, surely you can find a chore for everybody.
  • Start by placing the heavy furniture first. It will be of no use to anybody if you unpack your plates but still don't have a bed.
  • The first day, unpack the first box from each bedroom, the toilet and the kitchen. You need your bedding, toiletries and food. Everything else can wait.
  • As we mentioned food, remember to stack the home with some snacks and research where is the nearest place that makes food deliveries. You just won't have the energy to cook in the first few days.