Trademark registration
A new trademark registration is a registration of text,color, logo under ipr department for secure future of business. A trademark registration of word or logo can be represented brand name in the form of your company’s logo or a signature. Through a registered brand name registration or logo registration, you can protect your brand (or “mark”) by restricting other people or corporate from using its name or logo. Once acquired, a person or corporate can hold as long as for 10 years. Because a registered trade mark is a form of Intellectual Property, you can license or assign it to others for use as brand.
Trademark Registration : INDIVIDUAL : Rs. 6500 All INCLUSIVE [ Gov Fees : Rs.4500 ]
Trademark Registration : COMPANIES : Rs. 11500 All INCLUSIVE [ Gov Fees : Rs.9000* ]
- Gov. Fees Rs.9000 will be subsidized by goverment if udyog-aadhar certificate Available.
MSME Registration : Rs. 1500 + GST18% [ Total Rs.1770]
- You can protect your brand name or logo by restricting other people from using its name or logo.
- Once registered, A trademark will be valid for next 10 years from the date of apply for trademark.
- Once trademark or brand name registered, Intellectual Property Right(IPR) Department will issue brand registrationcertificate to company or individual for 10 years who applied.
- You can distinguish your business’ goods or services from those of other traders if you can apply for trademark.
Document Required
Document Required for online trademark registration:
1.List of Documents required in case of Logo Registration of Propertiorship Firm Registration :-
- Proprietor ID & Address Proofs
- Firm Registration Proof
- Copy of Address Proof
- High resolution Logo (soft copy)
- Date from which using trademark
- Class in which is to be to registered. (Class Sheet attached)
- Detailed Services
- List of Documents required in case of Trademark registration of Partnership Firm Registration:
- Partnership deed
- Pan Card of Partnership firm
- Firm Registration Proof
- Id & address Proof of All partners
- High resolution Logo (soft copy)
- Date from which using trademark
- Class in which is to be to registered. (Class Sheet attached)
- Detailed Services
- List of Documents required in case of Brand Name Registration of Company:-
- Copy of MOA of the Company
- Board Resolution on the Letter head
- List of Directors on the Letter head
- Copy of Address Proof e.g., Form 18.
- High resolution Logo (soft copy)
- Date from which using trademark
- Class in which is to be to registered