Why Do You Need to Extract Your Wisdom Teeth?
We all have wisdom teeth. But, when is it time to keep or remove them? During your last dental visit, your dentist may have advised you it is time for removing them after examining the x-ray images and your mouth. In this article, let us explore why you need to remove them.
An explanation of a wisdom tooth:
Wisdom teeth are the final set of molars expected to develop in late teens. They lie below the gum line and push your teeth as they try to develop from the gum line.
For some wisdom teeth may develop correctly and do not cause any trouble to their oral structure. Whereas for some, it may not develop correctly, either they may develop partially or completely gets stuck under the gum line. This condition is called impaction, and it occurs when there is not enough space on the jawline to accommodate them.
An impacted wisdom tooth can create a lot of dental problems like tooth decay, gum disease, and cyst. This is the reason why dentists often recommend wisdom teeth removal in Sydney.
When is it time to extract wisdom teeth?
The wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney can be reduced if it is removed at the earliest. Depending on the impaction your dentist will decide whether to keep them or not. If they are impacted, removal is the only solution.
No space:
Most of the times, there is not enough room for all those teeth. As they are the last sets of teeth to emerge finding space in your jawline can be difficult. So you have to extract them.
Teeth are impacted:
When wisdom teeth erupt, they can impact the surrounding teeth as well. This is especially when there is no adequate space in the jaw-line. A wisdom tooth will push forward other teeth in an attempt to grow into their positions. It can also get trapped causing pain and discomfort in your gums and jaw.
Gum disease and cavities:
When a wisdom tooth partially erupts, brushing and flossing them becomes difficult. When this is happening, you are at the risk of developing gum disease and cavities. You will need to remove them to allow for proper oral hygiene.
Wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney:
The wisdom teeth removal cost in Sydney can vary depending on the number of teeth to be extracted and the type of impaction. However, for getting cheap wisdom teeth removal in Sydney, you can use your dental insurance. Most of the dental insurance plans cover a part of the cost of wisdom teeth removal.
The author is a dentist, with a dedicated health team he claims to provide safe, efficient and cheap wisdom teeth removal in Sydney under local or general anaesthesia. Visit https://www.wisdomdentalemergency.com.au/ for details.