Introduction to Psychology

Author: Janet Peter
The average extraversion score is an indication that I am neither a subdued loner and neither a jovial chatterbox in that there is the enjoyment of both the alone time as well as with others. The implication of the results encompasses the assertion that there are people who do not fall as either introverts or extroverts. Thus, the application of such test results is helpful in comprehending the people who indicate differing sessions when they enjoy time with others as well as those occasions they are seen to enjoy being on their own. In rationalizing this type of behavior, such an individual enjoys their time with others as they do enjoy being on their own to reflect on different issues. Thus, the understanding of such an attributes makes it easy to understand people who are believed to be in the middle of introversion and extroversions. It makes it interact with them as one can assess when the party is in a jovial mood and when they would like to be left alone. In this case, the conduct of this individual will revolve around their assessment of the quality of the company around them and the desire to lead.

In the case of agreeableness, the results indicate that I am average in that although I am concerned with the needs of others, I am not willing to sacrifice myself for to meet the needs of others. The case applies that those who have high agreeableness scores will always put the needs of others before their own irrespective of the situation. Conversely, those with a low agreeableness score apply to those individuals who would not take into considerations the needs of other people in on their own irrespective of the situation. Being average implies that issues as morality and altruism are not highly regarded while trust is an issue that is underdeveloped. The individual has to be totally sure of the most probable outcome before they engage in the agreeable situation and will not jump into a situation because morality demands that one does. Taking account of the situation is thus principle to these individuals while issues as sympathy, modesty and cooperating with others are valued. The sympathy that an individual has regarding the welfare of others is thus the main attribute that is going to guide the trend with which to take concern for the welfare of others around us.

The conscientiousness results are average, an indication that I am self-controlled, reasonably reliable as well as organized. There are different elements that are applicable in making addressing an individual’s Conscientiousness such as self-efficacy, dutifulness, dutifulness, and self-disciplined among others. People balance these items differently, and the comprehension of that fact is vital in assessing the outcome of the tests. The individuals with Conscientiousness will imply that the individual has set high scores that they do a lot in trying to accomplish in addition to having a high level of determination. Those with the low Conscientiousness score, on the other hand, are individuals who only live for the moment and do only that which pleases them in addition to the fact that they are disorganized and careless. The ultimate score of an individual will be dependent on their ability to strike a balance in these attributes although most individuals are good in some while not so good in others.

The neuroticism score is indicative of the fact that my level of emotional reactivity is standard to the population and that although stressful events are upsetting; there is the ability to cope with the events. The ability to balance the different elements that guide the levels of neuroticism as anxiety, anger, immoderation, depressions as well as self-consciousness are vital in understanding an individual’s levels of neuroticism. What the individuals low on neuroticism is composed, exceptionally calm and barely flat table. They do not react to intense emotions as well as those events that other people would describe as stressful. The counterparts who are high on neuroticism, however, are easily upset even by the events people would consider normal. The comprehension of an individual’s neuroticism is thus dependent on how they can balance the reaction to the different elements making up neuroticism.

The openness to experience score is average, implying that although there is a preference for the tradition, new experiences are much welcome. To understand how individuals react about the openness attributes, it is best to understand their assessment of the different elements as imagination, emotionality, intellect as well as adventurousness among others. Through these attributes, an individual will have a low or high score of their experience to the different experiences.

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