How to Increase AdSense Income on your Blog?

Author: Kaustubh Patel

Google AdSense is the first choice of every blogger for making money from online. Today, almost every bloggers are showing google ads on their website. Hence, making money from Google is still the top choice of the majority of the bloggers.

But have you ever thought why different blogger make the different amount of money from AdSense? Some of them will make huge money from Google Adsense but rest will make less than a hundred dollars from it. Why?

This is because there are different strategies to make money from Adsense. If you are aware of these strategies then you can also make huge money from it.

If you are not aware of these strategies then don’t worry. I will share those strategies below. Here, in this article, I have shared top strategies to increase google adsense income.

Text & Display Ads

To make more money from Google AdSense, ensure Text & Display Ads option is enabled on your adsense dashboard. This option will control the type of ads shown on your website. If you want to show only text-based ads then select ‘Text Ads Only’ option while creating ad units.

But, it is always advisable to enable both types of ads on your site. Let’s Google decide which ad type is best for you. As per Google, it only shows the highest paying ads on your site. Hence, if both the options are enabled then goggle will have more choice to select the ads on your site. Hence, it will show the highest paying ads on your site.

Auto Ads

Are you a beginner in Google AdSense? If yes then this option will work best for you. Enable Auto Ads on your site and lets the Google control the ads shown on your site. This is one of the best options to make money from adsense. This is because goggle adsense itself control your ads and thereby make optimum utilization of the ads.

To install this option all you need to do is enable this option and paste a HTML code on your header.php file on your blog. That’s it. Now, google will automatically show optimum ads on your site and thereby increase your google adsense income to the optimum.

Blocking Ad Networks

The only way to increase your google adsense income is getting more number of clicks on your ads. If you get number of clicks then your adsense income will automatically increase. But for getting adsense click, it is very important that you show only relevant ads to your visitors. To control the type of ads shown on your site this option will help you.

Here, in this option, you can block certain ads or ad networks on your site. Hence, google will not show that ads on your site. Hence, only relevant content is shown on your site and thereby your visitors will click on these ads and you will get more money from google adsense.

Responsive Ads

Responsive ads are the ads which get easily fits in any resolutions. Hence, if you use responsive ads on your site then it will get fit on your desktop and mobile screen easily.

Hence, you will get more leads to your ads and thereby increase your google adsense revenue.

At last, it is always advisable to use responsive ads on your website or blog.

Keywords Research

This is not the direct way to increase your google adsense income but indirectly related to it. Improve your keywords research it will 100% increases your adsense income.

With proper keyword research, your CPC rate will increase thereby google will show high paying ads on your site.

At last, if your CPC rate is high then you will get paid more for every click and hence it will increase your adsense revenue or earnings.

Over to You

If you want to increase your adsense earnings then implements the above tips immediately. The above tips will definitely improve your adsense income.

At last, if you face any problem in implementing the above tips then feel free to contact us. We will be happy to help you.