Ashwagandha and its Proven Benefits in Gout

Author: Aiysha Khan

Gout can be more characterized by redness, inflammation, severe pain or swelling at the influenced site. It is usually caused by the building-up of harmful uric acid crystals that causes damage to the tissues. The disease is generally seen in men but some women are affected by it as well. Certain lifestyle pushes individuals to this disease. Some of the reasons being overweight, too much consumption of alcohol or over-consumption of certain purine-rich types of fish. The accumulation of uric acid in the blood is toxic and cause damage to surrounding tissues and joints.

In the following points, we discover some of the advantages it offers in gout treatment with fitting scientific evidence for the same:

1. It averts the progression of gout

One of the major indications from gout is the gradual and continuous deterioration of cartilage. This occurs as a result of a series of metabolic changes that decays the tissue over time. Studies discovered that the powder extracted from the Withania somnifera roots resulted in significant reduction in swelling.

The measure of gout-related enzymes- beta-glucuronidase and lactate dehydrogenase levels, which are usually elevated under diseased conditions were brought down to normal levels. This proves that the density and strength of the cartilage is intact by the metabolic regulatory activity of ashwagandha.

2. Reduction of Oxidative Stress

Unconfined radicles are unhealthy chemicals found in our body in an unbound state. These are kept in check by antioxidant compounds. If the rate of accumulation of free radicles surpasses the rate of their elimination, a toxic condition known as oxidative stress takes birth.

The potential of Withania somnifera to reduce oxidative stress have been studied using different animal models. One of these included the use of inflammatory arthritis in an animal model who was administered different doses of the compound over a month at the end of which the oxidative stress was relieved. This was due to the capability of Withania somnifera to effectively reduce lipid peroxidation and glutathione-S-transferase activity.

3. It Preserves Joints

Individuals who are obese or overweight are at higher risk of being diagnosed with gout. It is due to the excess fats putting pressure on collagen fibers that holds together connective tissues. This in return, weakens the joints leading to gout. Ashwagandha is believed to able to reverse the damage caused to collagen fibers and simultaneously strengthens them.

4. It can Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation is one of the major contributors of joint pain and swelling. It occurs due to the body’s attempts to repair damage at a particular area. It is one of the main indicators of gout. In recent experiments done on animals, it was discovered that the administration of Withania somnifera (ashwagandha) reduced inflammation and in turn improved joint mobility.

5. It betters Autoimmune Reaction

Many of the outbursts associated with gout take place due to autoimmune reactions. These activities occur due to the hyperactivity of autoantibodies. This further leads to pain and inflammation. In order to study the capabilities of Withania somnifera to modulate the autoantibody mechanisms and experiment was conducted.

The experiment included the treatment with Withania somnifera for 20 days after which autoantibodies such as anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody (a-CCP), rheumatoid factor (RF), antinuclear antibody (ANA), inflammatory marker like C-reactive protein (CRP) and anti-collagen type II antibody (a-CII) were determined. It was noted that Ashwagandha was able to regulate autoantibody action in a dose-dependent manner thereby lowering inflammation happenings.

6. It Stops Building up of Uric Acid

The accumulation of uric acid crystals in the intestine which passes on to the bloodstream without getting broken down is one of the major causes of gout. This problem can be prevented through intestinal cleansing agents, Ashwagandha could provide potential aid in this respect.

The ashwagandha or Withania somnifera gel has been used to free many ailments of the intestine some of which include diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, and antibiotic-associated diarrhea. This can be accredited to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.

Hence, regular consumption of Withania somnifera can lead to the elimination of uric acid accumulation in the intestine and in return avert the joint pain it causes in gout patients.


Taking all the benefits of this herb in gout treatment, its popularity is now twin-towers high. It is been manufactured and marketed in different forms including supplements, pills, and tablets. Ashwagandha is a major contributor to relieving inflammation and pain linked with gouty arthritis. You can buy it at any Ayurvedic Herbs Online Store