Solar Energy Advantages and Disadvantages
Author: Gaurav Rajput
Solar Energy Advantages and Disadvantages
In general, solar energy refers to the energy received from the sun. By collecting the rays of the sun at one point, when energy is produced, then this process is called solar energy production. Solar energy means transforming the sun's rays into electricity, whether it is directly by Photovoltaic, Concentrated Solar Power. C. S. Lenses or mirrors and trekking devices are used to generate solar energy. A very large portion of sunlight is collected on a small ray. Solar power plants work like this.
Advantages and Disadvantages of solar energy
- The sun is the ultimate source of energy which can be used by mankind more and more.
- It is renewable, unlimited and clean, although solar energy is not distributed evenly around the world, using a small part of the enormous energy from the sun will be enough to solve the important energy crisis, Is happening from
- Other types of energy of solar energy have many benefits, perhaps its biggest advantage is that it is a clean form of energy; hence it can be supplied without pollution due to non-availability.
- Fossil fuel is a major contributor to our environmental degradation, but it mainly remains mainstream in the provision of energy because fossil fuels are cheap and traditional sources.
- But then, fossil fuels are considered as non-renewable energy sources. That is, remaining fossil fuels cannot be enough for people's energy needs for centuries.
- With this reality in front of us, it is important to find the best alternative fuel that if the stock is finished then it is possible that fossil fuel can replace the fuel.
- However, in choosing alternative fuels, it is important to make important considerations, such as economic, environmental and related risks that may be related to the use of alternative fuels.
- One of the major disadvantages of solar energy is that energy is generated from the sunlight, which is widely spread in nature and the sun's light is not uniform in all areas.
- This is the reason why not all countries can be able to use solar energy effectively as others.
- To capture a significant amount of solar energy, the solar panels must cover a large area, which is widely widespread and wide open, such as desert, are the best places to make the solar system.
- The use of solar energy in the form of alternative energy is the same as a major investment.
- Apart from this, even if solar energy is considered clean energy, this does not mean that solar energy does not produce pollution.
- Some toxic materials are actually used during the conjugate of solar cells such as hydrochloric acid, boron trifluoride, and arsenic, cadmium, tellurium, selenium.
- Therefore, people's health may be at risk for the production and production of solar cells.