Common Electrical Problems at Home and Their Solutions
Frequently flickering lights, unusually high bills and malfunctioning appliances are signs of electrical problems in a home circuit. If these persist it is advisable to contact professionals for electrical fault finding & servicing Melbourne and get all possible issues resolved safely.
It is also good to be aware of the common problems so that you can take some precautions and prevent further damage to your appliances:1. Electrical surges
Lightening-thunder, damaged main power lines, poor electrical wiring within a house and faulty appliances can cause electrical surges. Although a surge lasts for barely a microsecond, if these become frequent they can decimate multiple electrical components connected in a building or significantly degrade their durability.When you experience electrical surges frequently at home, the root cause may be an electrical device connected with the home grid or wiring. Remove any poor quality devices from the outlet to see if this stops the surges. If you find all of this too complex to handle by yourself, consult an electrician.
2. Light switches not functioning properlyWobbly switches and the dimmer light switches that fail to adjust lighting intensity correctly are the result of poor workmanship.
If you find your switches not working properly or they fail to activate the connected devices, it may mean that these switches have been superseded or their fixtures are loose. There may even be a fault in the wiring, outlet or circuit. An Electrical Fault Finding & Servicing Melbourne should be contacted to remediate these problems.3. Frequent tripping of circuit breaker
Usage of high wattage items such as microwaves and clothes iron can cause circuit breakers to trip. This is specially the case when other power consuming appliances are also on the same source. A circuit breaker is supposed to protect the electrical connections at home and add safety. Therefore when it begins to trip, it means it is doing its job well and you need to check your usage of electrical appliances.Note what you were using when the circuit breaker tripped. If it was a microwave, switch off the device and plug it in some other power source. The rule is to restrict the electrical usage on a single circuit whenever high wattage appliances are being used.
4. Lights are too bright or too dimIf certain lights in the house are too bright while others seem dim, it can be due to a poor neutral connection. The problem needs to be fixed by a professional.
5. Electrical ShocksAny electrical shock, howsoever mild it may be, is a nasty experience. They tell us that electricity is a dangerous thing if not utilised properly. Such shocks are usually experienced when a device is turned on or off. The problem might be with the appliance or in the wiring.
While you may want to test the suitability of devices and wiring by plugging in a different device, it will naturally be an unpleasant experience if there is another shock. It is better to speak to your electrician instead of taking a risk.By repairing or replacing malfunctioning switches, wiring and appliances in time, you not only enable a better and safer electrical system at your home but also keep your bill in check.
Author Bio: Based in Melbourne, Vaultage Electrical & Security Solutions offers specialist services for electrical, security and audio-visual systems that are vital to the functioning of different appliances in homes and offices. We are committed to exceed the expectations of our clients at each of the projects entrusted to us.