Unakoti: The Mystery of Ten Million Deities

Author: Ginger Hotels

Located in the state of Tripura, the site of Unakoti is eerie and has a sense of mystery about it. The most tourist-friendly places in the state are present in the capital and a one can stay in any good budget hotels in Agartala. The name ‘Unakoti’ means one less than a Koti and is believed to an ancient Hindu worshipping site. Here are a few things to know about Unakoti:

Iconography: Some of the images at Unakoti are rock-carved figures while some are stone images. The great Shiva head attracts a lot of attention while the huge multiple figures of the elephant-headed god Ganesha is eye-catching too. The 30ft high Shiva statue is also called the Unakotiswara KalBhairava which has a decoratively embroidered head-dress which is about 10ft high itself.

Mystery: Very little is known about a lot of the rock formations regarding when it was created and by whom. The bas-reliefs are quite mysterious because their date of carving is still unknown and why anyone would carve these in such a secluded place is curious in the first place. A lot of the subject matter of the carvings here seem to be Hindu deities and their Vahanas.

Unakoti Ashokastami festival: This is a huge festival that takes place every year between March and April and attracts massive crowds. Hotels near Agartala railway station remain packed during the festival as it attracts devotees from all over the country. Although a smaller version of the festival takes place in January it is only during the Unakoti Ashokastami festival that thousands of pilgrims congregate on the town.

Preservation: Although Unakoti has great rock art of considerable historic and religious importance, the upkeep and preservation of the site is not something we can be proud of. The Archaeological Survey of India adopted the site and conditions have improved a bit but a lot of excavation work still remains incomplete. Efforts are underway to make the site a UNESCO world heritage site, with the Centre planning to grant nearly 12 crores for developing the surrounding area as a huge tourist destination.

This site as of now is mostly a Hindu pilgrimage site but it can become a fascinating attraction for history buffs and archaeologists. There is still a lot we need to learn about Unakoti and some experts even believe there are more rock carvings in the jungle that are yet to discover.

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