Poverty in America

Author: Janet Peter


Causes and effects of poverty remain challenging to some Americans as well as the administration. Poverty continues to restrict the ability to meet basic needs without strain and as a result, affecting all sectors of the society. There is, therefore, a great need to research the matter to come up with interventions that can block the causes of poverty to reduce suffering among the economically disadvantaged population. As an ethical responsibility of federal, states, municipal as well as local governments, there is a need for these actors to work hard to reduce or rather eliminates poverty for the better of the country. As a sociologist, poverty remains a concern for my academic as well as professional pursuit since poverty negatively affects all sectors of the society which my pursuits aim to solve. There is, therefore, need for sociologists to research and identify all cause –effects of poverty to suggest the best way that can help the social, economic as well as political functionality of the American nation. This research will therefore, be of great importance in informing the policy makers to come up with poverty eradication initiatives that knit the identified causes to help eradicate it.

Thesis statement

This research examines the causes and the effects of poverty in America. It aims to uncover the best ways authorities can implement in reducing it.

Annotated Bibliography

Butler, A. C. (2011): Changing Poverty, Changing Policies. Social Service Review, 85(2), 301-304.

This journal introduces some aspects of poverty like living in insecure areas, social isolation as well as living in squalid houses. These poverty aspects are always not captured by absolute income measure of poverty. The Journal explains various poverty measures like relative income poverty, asset poverty, "capability" poverty as well as subjective poverty— which accommodate poverty aspects beyond income. The chapter, therefore, argues for the use of broader poverty measure in America.

Lichter, Daniel T. 2013. "Taxing the Poor: Doing Damage to the Truly Disadvantaged." American Journal of Sociology 118, no. 4: 1120-1122. Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed January 19, 2016).

This journal uncovers tax policies in the U S, specifically in the South and West of America which are detrimental to poor persons. The book uncovers that in some states, poverty stricken families pay not only income taxes but also the regressive sales taxes applying even to food meant for home consumption. The book states that decades before California’s much-ballyhooed passage of the Proposition 13, various southern states already initiated tax structures that kept the property as well as corporate taxes artificially low. Instead, all sales taxes meant to replace the uncollected revenue from the property as well as business owners became extremely regressive punishing those living in poverty. The book documents the historical progression of the tax policy that exacerbates circumstances of impoverished which contributes to unrecognized ways to setbacks such as early mortality, obesity, teen pregnancy, school dropout as well as crime.

So Rich, So Poor: Why It's So Hard to End Poverty in America. (2012): Publishers Weekly, 259(11), 50.

The journal provides a comprehensive overview of structural circumstances contributing to poverty in America. The book presents facts as well as figures to present the state of the national economy as well as the attendant effect on poverty from the 1960s to 2010. The Journal looks at efforts the nation has undertaken at federal, state levels, municipal as well as community levels, to make public policy bear the intractable poverty problem. The book covers topics like employment policy, housing policy, welfare policy, education policy as well as criminal justice policy. Of note, its author has personal history working as a prominent antipoverty activist as well as a famously resigned scholar from Clinton’s administration protesting over the welfare abolition. This, therefore, presents a perfect overview of the dire condition of the American economy as well as the governments’ efforts state in addressing poverty last decades.

Sturtevant, L. (2014): Confronting Suburban Poverty in America, Growth & Change, 45(2), 399-401. doi:10.1111/grow.12049

This journal presents ways that the stakeholders can use to fight poverty among the people of America. Among a few, the chapter presents the creation of employment opportunities as well as fighting discrimination in resource allocation. The chapter also proposes introducing subsidies that can help those living in poverty get some relief.

TORSTENSSON, D. (2013). Beyond the City: Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty in Rural America. Journal of Policy History, 25(4), 587-613. Doi: 10.1017/S0898030613000316

This journal presents a concise data overview on geographic as well as demographic trends in poverty among rural Americas. The report lists high-needs areas in the United States, highlights subgroups in the population with highest poverty rates. It also defines the persistent poverty as well as correlation points between poverty and cognitive developmental challenges among children. It looks at housing I problems for the rural poverty. The book is, therefore, vital for teachers, site leaders as well as professional development providers.


The bibliographies present an overview of poverty in America as a topic of the research. The first discusses reasons why it is always difficult for developed nations to fight poverty. The second bibliography present’s aspects of poverty in America which is critical for the topic of the research. The third discusses poverty in rural America which is a key area in researching poverty trends in the United States. The fourth discusses how the authorities contribute to making poor people remain poor by extra taxing them. The last journal discusses the approach that can be used in confronting poverty in urban areas which can as well apply to other parts of the country. All the bibliographies are therefore important in researching the poverty state of the United States. They are tightly knit to the topic to provide a deeper understanding of poverty in America.


Butler, A. C. (2011): Changing Poverty, Changing Policies, Social Service Review, 85(2), 301- 304.

Lichter, Daniel T. 2013. "Taxing the Poor: Doing Damage to the Truly Disadvantaged." American Journal of Sociology 118, no. 4: 1120-1122: Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost (accessed January 19, 2016).

So Rich, So Poor: Why It's So Hard to End Poverty in America. (2012): Publishers Weekly, 259(11), 50.

Sturtevant, L. (2014): Confronting Suburban Poverty in America, Growth & Change, 45(2), 399- 401. doi:10.1111/grow.12049

TORSTENSSON, D. (2013). Beyond the City: Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty in Rural America. Journal of Policy History, 25(4), 587-613. Doi: 10.1017/S0898030613000316.

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