Top 5 Recipes With Antioxidants To Include In Your Breakfast
Starting your day with wholesome recipes with antioxidants to enrich your breakfast will help set you up for the day, provide energy and relieve the urge for snacking. Antioxidant rich foods help keep your mind sharp and protect you from many chronic ailments. The following recipes will ensure you have an antioxidant rich breakfast.
Fruit Smoothie
Dark berries are one of nature’s top antioxidants but most fruits, especially brightly coloured varieties provide a good variety try these in your smoothie:
Aloe Vera, avocado, apples, banana, berries, cherries, grapes, kiwifruit, pineapple, watermelon, plums and pomegranates.
Carefully wash the fruit then place either fresh or frozen for a great cool smoothie with natural live yoghurt in your blender and in seconds your smoothie is ready.
Vegetable Juice
Choose organic vegetables if possible from the following list and add a tablespoon of cold pressed olive or coconut oil for the oil soluble vitamins:
Asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, silverbeet, cabbage, carrots, celery, beetroot, choko, tomato, cucumber, ginger, turmeric, garlic or seaweed
Wash the vegetables with a baking soda water solution to remove wax and grime, then chop whole and put through your juicer. Any leftover juice can be kept under refrigerated or frozen.
Homemade muesli recipes with antioxidants such as oats, pistachios, walnuts, pecans and dried fruit, add a delicious crunch and taste sensation to breakfast.
Try using these other antioxidant rich ingredients:
Pine nuts, dried shredded coconut, dried banana chips, assorted broken nuts, cinnamon, star anise,
Purchase enough ingredients to only make a week’s supply at a time, so they remain fresh then place in a large bowl and combine. Store your muesli in an airtight containers and serve with your favorite topping such as yoghurt, fresh or sour cream, add sliced fresh fruit and berries.
Fresh organic eggs are one of nature’s purest protein forms and making a vegetable stuffed omelet is both quick and appetizing.
Choose any of the lovely vegetables you may have left-over from last night’s dinner or some of these antioxidant filled ingredients:
Mushrooms, red and yellow capsicum, aubergine, broccoli, sprouts, spinach or other green leafy vegetables.
Bean Burrito
A great nutrient and antioxidant packed package, the burrito is so versatile, simple and sure to please. Beans are a powerhouse of antioxidants and when combined with whole grain burritos made using assorted fresh vegetables and cheeses they are a great breakfast. Try making a whole batch of them and freezing them you’ll have an almost instant breakfast every day.
Place a burrito wrap on a clean surface and on 1/3 place your desired filling, then wrap it up, cook and enjoy.
The ever popular cup of tea and freshly brewed coffee, both provide a large number of antioxidants in forms that are quickly and readily absorbed into the system so perfect for breakfasts or any other time of the day and can be enjoyed hot, cool or iced.
Getting your daily antioxidant needs is relatively simple when you eat a fresh, wholesome breakfast and it’s a great war to ensure that you get all the other nutrients you need. Having a good breakfast helps to keep your mind on the job and your stomach feeling satisfied.