Aspects Associated With Performance Testing That Everyone Ought To Know

Author: Bug Raptors

Performance testing is a crucial part of the entire software development life cycle that determines the durability, endurance, and response time of a web or mobile application. The procedure is carried out by utilizing any of the numerous testing tools available in the market.

When it comes to the peak performance of an application, one needs to precisely monitor the performance of the app at each stage while the adequate workload is applied. There is no point where a developer can compromise with the performance of their application, which is intended to serve the diverse needs of the users.

Here we would be sharing some basic things associated with the entire software testing and performance testing that everyone should know.

How is Performance Testing done

Whenever we talk about performance testing, a clear picture comes in our mind that a person would be manual testing the application by considering every stage of usage. Well, it can be true but up to an extent! There are advanced techniques that are utilized to check the overall performance of a web or a desktop application.

In most of the cases, the testing engineer uses automated testing tools and frameworks that precisely monitor the performance of the application at every step. This simply means that only the manual procedure isn’t sufficient; one needs to rely on the automated testing procedures.

The testing professional writes test scripts in a certain programming language depending on the testing tool that performs a specific task repeatedly. Here is the step by step procedure of automation testing:

  • The testing engineer writes the script that keeps running in the loop to identify any loophole
  • While the performance of the application is an analyzed, the testing professional enhances the load on the application by invoking virtual users on the app.
  • This process checks the endurance of the application and gives the idea about the glitches that need to be rectified from the development team’s end.
  • The performance testing also involves the identification of bottlenecks that cause hurdles in the smooth functioning of the application at certain circumstances.

Advantages of Performance Testing

For all those who are unaware of the software development life cycle, software testing and performance analysis is an important aspect that can’t be neglected!

Imagine a company developed an application that is doing well at their end but eventually receives mixed reviews when it comes to the availability to the end-users. Sounds annoying, isn’t it? A good and reliable application must pass the standardized parameters that determine the actual durability and reliability of an application across the specific running environment.

Thus; one needs to be sure enough to hire a promising testing team that can augment their actual needs when it comes to the reliability of their software. Here are some advantages of performance testing:

  • Testing Helps in Rectifying the Loopholes in advance: One of the biggest advantages of performance testing is to ensure that the mobile or web application is up to the mark as per the user’s expectation. The market is swamped with several applications that may offer adequate functionality but lack in delivering the best user experience. Thus; it is mandatory for the developer to rely on a testing professional for the identification of the glitches that affect the overall performance of the application.

· Optimization of the Application: Another great reason to rely on the