Vital Points To Consider Before Adding A Payment Gateway To Your Ecommerce Store

Author: Hiren Mansuriya

Payment Gateway for any ecommerce store is the last step of a buyer’s journey, and is perhaps one of the most significant deciders of whether or not they are going to purchase the merchandize in the cart. With online transactions becoming a norm for today’s online shoppers in US, ecommerce businesses need to focus on integrating a flexible, swift and secure payment services so that customers will not have to look here and there to conclude their in-store journey.

For any blog or website that has scalable future, it is important to think of facilitating an ecommerce system in which users can buy educational material, software, product or any merchandize at maximum convenience. The most common way to convert a simple website into an ecommerce platform is to use popular plugins such as Magento, WooCommerce, Zen Cart, OSCommmerce, OpenCart, Prestashop, Shopify, etc. Having a trusted payment process makes your ecommerce store worthy of immense usability and consideration for your customers.

But, what exactly should a retailer or ecommerce owner mull over before adding an innovative payment gateway? You will learn more on this question as you explore the full blog.

How do you understand Payment gateway?

If you are still to experience the results of building an ecommerce store, this is the first and foremost point of consideration: payment gateway. Basically, payment gateway is understood as a third party transaction services. But it is not just limited to this generic interpretation.

Payment gateway is an online service given by any ecommerce retails store that verifies, processes and approves debit card/credit card transaction or direct internet banking transactions provided they have secure internet connection.

Payment gateway: value for your business, need for your customers

Integration of payment gateway enables and authorizes the secure payment transaction between ecommerce business owner and their customers. This is the perfect solution that processes many forms of electronic payment, designed to meet the goals of allowing customers to buy their favourite product without need for leaving their premise.

Accommodating all of customer’s needs in one flawless shopping platform works wonders for retailers. Modern tech-savvy US customers gravitate towards cashless payments and love unique ways of shopping. Biggest business parameters like customer acquisition, business growth, bounce rate, customer retention depend on operational efficiency and choice of integrated payment gateway facility.

While check out threshold can be made effortless for your customers, by not having featured payment gateway you will lose competitive advantage among your close ecommerce rivals.

Always emphasize on multiple payment options

Earlier, before the online wallets and third-party integration materialized in ecommerce world, online shoppers did not have much of an option to make purchase except using their own credit/debit card. But now, as the technology has gifted tremendous solutions, customers have evolved in their expectations from online stores.

Due to high demand among end users in US, it is crucial for local retailers and ecommerce businesses to provide variety of options for online payment. For instance, paypal provides excellent service, but still not everybody in US opts for just one option. since 1996 has come a long way to becoming one of the most sought-after payment gateways. Other widely used gateways are:

  • Paypal
  • First Data corporation
  • Bluepay
  • PaySimple
  • Paynova
  • Fastcharge

There are still more in the list. The reason why businesses must consider the idea of including more and more options for customers is that customers have power to change the game of your ecommerce. So if you miss adding a couple of payment options that some customers prefer more than others, there is a chance of losing a lot of business.

Choosing the right integration of payment method

Since payment solution is going to decide your customer’s interest in your online offerings, choosing the right method to integrate it is important. 3 major options are:

  • API integrations
  • Payment form
  • Plugins by popular shopping platforms

API integrations

Being an IT expert, you would know all about integrations of APIs and how it does the trick for any ecommerce store. API is not just confined to integrating payment gateway successfully, but it also consists of shaping a payment form on your webstore where site explorers will enter their payment/account details.

However, the main drawback of having such system is being ready for great time consumption and cost of implementation. The integration of API helps in this area and makes sure the payment form it installs boosts conversion rate by reducing instances of redirecting traffic to alien pages for the purpose of payment. In this method, the process includes only a few important steps, which minimizes cart abandonment and encourages them to do more quick purchases.

Payment Form

Payment form could be a moderate solution in case your IT team has humble experience or you are not aware of detailed programming tactics. It saves a lot of time for developers and exempts you from the requirement of having prolonged experience in payment form integration.

In this method, Users are usually redirected to third party payment gateway website where they will be required to fill in details regarding amount, currency, return address, transactions, and security code. Webstore owner has to make sure that the whole process is seamlessly performed and customers come home to merchant’s website with secure transaction.


Ecommerce store has changed a lot in its offerings ever since its inception, and now a day you can have different choices for payment gateway if you are running a ready-made shopping platform (Magento, Zen Cart, OpenCart, Prestashop, OScommerce etc).

Integration of plugins for ready-made payment form is an advanced solution preferred by many US online business owners. It helps you save both essentials of ecommerce business: integration process time and investment of money. All it takes is a couple of clicks to install those handy plugins.

Need for Customization and expert programmers

Plugins require you to take resort to its developers whenever there is a change in its coding or scope of improving customers’ shopping experience inside the store. This is especially important when you are handling US customers. It is in your best interest to collaborate with a programming expert or outsource the job of flawless integration and its future customization to the experts in the business.

Veteran API programmers is your best chance to get the job done in minimum time and with superior accuracy. You can consult with Spaculus in-house ecommerce development specialists who have dived deeper in ecommerce store enhancement and development. We know every pulse and beat of US business market and how its customers approach online space for shopping. Through providing secure, seamless and speedy payment gateway integration, we make sure your prospects will not rush to your competitors in frustration.