Content marketing strategy for e-commerce businesses

Author: GA Technocare Technology

If you have an online business set up then you are probably aware of the role that content plays in online marketing.

Every good SEO service provider emphasizes on creating content that can appeal to the audience as well as the search engines.

However, the strategies have been changing these days at a much faster pace than expected. One strategy can be on hype today and on the other day, it can get flushed.

In the consistently changing market, it is important to grab on some keynotes that are evergreen and play role in a broad spectrum.

Let’s explore some of the content marketing strategies for your e-commerce business,

1.Understand the search quality algorithm of Google

The main guideline followed by any search engine marketing company is how Google prefers to search. A well known EAT score is something that should be tied down. It refers to expertise, authority and trustworthiness.

Every web page that gets crawled is given an EAT score corresponding to which it gets ranked. To get a good rank you need to show the search engine that you hold expertise in the products that you sell. The description of the product plays an important role in this.

After this, you must showcase the products with verification of authority. This includes displaying the validation mark on the products or verifying the third-party merchants.

Last but not least comes the trustworthiness. This can be achieved by answering a few questions like return policy, warranty, HTTPS redirection, user ratings, etc.

2. Get a qualified review from Google partners

Ask any digital marketing company and you will know how important reviews are in the e-commerce business. Honest reviews of the customers help in building trust and raising sales bar.

More often reviews play a crucial part in online reputation management as well. Although many companies put up fake reviews, they can be easily be taken out.

However, you can also get partnered with Google and other third-party brands. Their honest critics can get you a good number of traffic and customers.

3. Add product video

When people buy online, they are always unsure of the package. But, adding a small video of the product and its accessories can be a game changer.

Although, creating videos can be a little expensive but visuals are loved by the internet and people. It reassures the buyer of what he will be receiving in his mail.

Also, the same visuals can be used for social media marketing and other online submissions for creating a buzz around the corner.

4. Apply cause marketing

E-commerce can make the best out of cause marketing. The cause can be a sale, a festival, etc. Within a few years, cause marketing has paced up and offered a new method of branding.

Although this can be useful for a short period of time. However, if appealed right then one can prevail a huge business in a month than in a quarter.

5. Build a small team of influencers

Influencers work magic in digital marketing strategy. With their followings on social media, they have a huge potential to reach your target audience.

Their small story or a brief review with a post can get your brand a huge name and sale. Why wait for more when you can get everything in less?


There may be various other strategies but the above is gold. They can never fail and assures that establish a good reputation for your business.