Long-Term Denture Wear and Bone Deterioration

Author: Adam Russell

Dentures make it possible for those who are suffering from missing teeth to enjoy the normal appearance and function of their teeth once again. This dental appliance replaces the form and function of lost natural teeth. However, using removable dentures as a missing teeth solution does not address the issue of missing tooth roots, which are responsible for stimulating the jawbone. Without this much needed stimulation, the jawbone deteriorates with the passage of time.

Long-term use of dentures results in jawbone deterioration, since the missing tooth roots are not replaced to provide stimulation to the bone structure. The deformity that may result from the thinning of the jawbone makes it difficult for dental implants to be placed in the future without the help of a bone grafting procedure. The dentures will also become loose when used long-term, since the jawbone that cradles the dentures changes its shape as it slowly undergoes deterioration.

Jawbone deterioration results from the loss of natural tooth roots. If these tooth roots (and their stimulating action) are not replaced soon after the tooth loss, the jawbone will go though gradual thinning and deterioration, which will eventually become evident in the way the facial shape changes and becomes hollow-looking. Those who suffer from jawbone deterioration may look much older than their actual ages, because of the sunken look of their faces.

Dental Implants to Prevent Jawbone Deterioration

Dental implants not only restore the proper form and function of missing teeth – these missing teeth solutions also replace the job of the lost natural tooth roots in stimulating the jawbone. The implants act on providing continuous stimulation to the bone structure so that bone thinning and deterioration can be prevented, or stopped from further progressing. The healthy, normal appearance of the facial shape is preserved and prevented from looking hollow, as the jawbone structure continues to be stimulated by the dental implants as missing teeth solutions.

Implants can be used to support dentures and keep them from moving uncontrollably inside the mouth. Implant-supported dentures are firmly held in place since they are attached to the jawbone through the dental implants, eliminating problems with loose dentures that result to a lot of pain and embarrassment. Dentures that are connected to implants are more stable compared to removable dentures, making it possible for the denture wearer to smile, eat, chew, and speak with confidence, and without worrying about jawbone deterioration resulting from the loss of natural tooth roots.