Have You Had Your Air Conditioning Service? Perth Expert Advice

Author: Mathew Smith

Many people slide into the summer months without having an air conditioning service. Winter is behind them, the weather isn’t too hot yet, and there are a million other things to think about. This is unfortunate because this is the ideal time to get your AC system ready for the hotter months ahead. Failure to plan could result in an aircon failure and a severe lack of indoor comfort. Let’s take a closer look at why an air conditioning service is so important.

My System is Working Just Fine

This may be the case, but an AC system works hard during a typical year, and that can increase the chances of a system failure. An air conditioner is an extremely complex piece of equipment with electronic, electrical and mechanical components. All of these parts must work in harmony, or the system will not be able to cool effectively and efficiently. It’s important to bear in mind that many other people will have these sentiments. Later on, when these people have systems that are failing it may mean that your local AC company is overworked and you may have to wait for a crucial repair.

Prevention is Better Than the Cure

This old adage can be used in many contexts, but it is especially apt when applied to air conditioning services and repairs. When a part starts to fail, it will get progressively worse, and an earlier repair will be the best option. Early repairs can be minor in nature, cheaper to fix and take less time. However, when these minor issues develop into more significant problems, the sky's the limit on how bad they could get. A major problem could involve a hefty repair bill and even an entire system replacement. Experts recommend that an air conditioning system is serviced at least annually. To be extra safe, it may even be a better idea to get a service carried out at the beginning of each heating or cooling season. A well maintained system is far less likely to fail when you need it most, and it will be far more energy efficient.

A Deeper Understanding of Your AC System

When your AC system is regularly maintained by a trained AirSpares technician, you will learn more about it. A modern air conditioner should last at least 15 years, but this can rise to around 20 years if the system is well maintained. Those extra five years when you don’t need to buy a new system are worth a considerable amount of money. Also, because the system will be more energy efficient your energy bills will be reduced for the entire duration of the system's lifespan. It will also be easier to make decisions on a replacement, that point of diminishing return of running and repair costs versus the price of a new system can be better understood.

If they are in search of a comprehensive air conditioning service, Perth residents should contact AirSpares. Our technicians are trained to provide a high quality aircon service, and we look forward to your call.