Tips To Enhance Customer Engagement & Boost Revenue via Mobile Advertising

Author: Arun Singh

Customer engagement is one of the important aspects of a company’s growth that can’t be ignored. Companies that focus on customer engagement are committed to value creation, not just revenue generation. A great customer engagement tactic is key to closing a sale and building customer loyalty.

In order to attract customers’ interest and generate profits, marketers must create a strategic business planning and follow some do’s & don’ts. Here are some essential tips that you must consider to enhance customer engagement while approaching them-

1. Engage customers with personalized approach

Marketers need to learn about their target audience’s interest and choice, in order to serve them better. This makes communication between the marketers and consumers easy & effective. According to a report of "fitsmallbusiness" around 80% of the customers are willing to do business with a company that offers them personalized experience. Marketers must capture their customers’ interest with more personalized approach, and avoid being generalized. Customers feel privileged when they receive personalized messages. As an advertiser, you can use moLotus- a revolutionary mobile video customer engagement platform to gain or, acquire more customers applying the personalized approach at a low-cost.

2. Build a business planning

There are millions of competitors out there who are constantly hunting for new customers. In order to compete with them, you have to choose a different path and build a strategic business planning. And to do so, marketers must try moLotus- a breakthrough mobile video marketing platform, to transform and automate their entire marketing process. Using moLotus, you can send unlimited rich content, promotional or engaging videos to your customers which will land directly into their phone’s inbox. Moreover, using its "no app-no data" feature, your customers won’t require working internet connection or any heavy-size mobile application to receive these videos.

3. Two-sided communication

Whatever channel you are using, it must be a two-way communication channel that provides both the brand and the customer a common platform to share their point or, views. For an interactive two-way communication medium, marketers should try moLotus, an audio-visual mobile video messaging platform. It has multiple call-to-action options like SMS, calls and clickable link, which helps them develop a strong relationship with their customers. It helps marketers to receive appropriate feedback from their customers that can be used for further business growth.

4. Save cost & generate revenue

This is the most essential part of your marketing or advertising plan. A successful marketing is something in which you can reduce or save your marketing cost while boosting your revenues. In order to save unnecessary marketing cost, marketers can try moLotus- a breakthrough mobile video advertising platform . It is the most cost-effective communication medium that reduces excessive printing & mailing cost, while engaging customers' interest and brand awareness through marketing process automation.

In a nutshell, by indulging into mobile video advertising platforms like moLotus, marketers can generate more leads, boost revenue and enhance their customer engagement, acquiring & retention processes.