What Is Dimple Creation And Facelift Surgery?

Author: Dr Rajat Gupta

The revolution in cosmetic surgery has really taken the world by storm. After the advent of new age technology and the most sophisticated inventions, the aesthetic industry has been experiencing a boom in India. Many aesthetic procedures such as dimple creation in Delhi and facelift surgery in Delhi has taken the people by surprise by its effective results. As a result, more and more people want to know more about these procedures.

Though cosmetic surgical procedure has been around for some time. But, in India, lots of people are still not fully aware about of it. They want to explore more before expediting through these procedures that can potentially produce a life-changing moment for them.

What is dimple creation surgery?

Many people still scoff when they heard that a natural looking dimple can be created in a person who is not blessed with this gift of God. It takes a long time to believe that it is possible with help of the medical science latest cosmetic surgery. So those who do not have dimples can take advantage of dimple surgery to create the dimples desire.

During the dimple creation surgery, the surgeon administers a local anesthesia, so that you do not feel the pain of the incision that is made to on the inside of your cheek. The procedure involves the removal of skin from the cheek as well as a small part of the muscles from the cheek. Then the surgeon sutures the incision and create the dimple on the outside of the cheek. Later the suture dissolves, however, the dimple remains on the cheek.

What is facelift surgery?

Facelift surgery is the procedure that is performed by an expert and experienced cosmetic surgeon. It is performed to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and other prominent signs of aging. The overall objective of this surgery is to ameliorate the overall appearance of the face and jaw. The surgery can help to reverse the harmful effects of time, stress and exposure on our skin.

During the facelift surgery in Delhi, the cosmetic surgeon lifts and tightens the underlying muscles of the face to create and produce more aesthetically pleasing contours. By doing so, he/she provides an aesthetic appearance and revives the facial structure. In addition to it, the surgeon also removes the excess pockets of fat and skin from the face that is responsible to create an aged and tired appearance.

To perform this procedure, it is always recommended to hire an experienced and highly skilled cosmetic surgeon. The surgeon who possesses an artistic eye and extraordinary attention to detail so that the patient would experience negligible scarring and attain a beautiful and natural-looking result.

The bottom-line is that whether you want a dimple creation in Delhi or facelift procedure, it is always recommended to consult with the cosmetic surgeon profoundly about how should you approach the procedure and what can be the after effect you will receive. Try to get a comprehensive information about the surgery before you take the final decision.