7 Effective On-Page SEO Techniques to Implement in 2019

Author: Naveen Kumar

Are you thinking of starting your own online business or a business where more web traffic can translate to more business? It is time for you to gear up to the challenges you may face in the crowded online environment. If you do not raise your bar, you are simply not ready to go to the push yourself to the next level. In this digital era marketing, your website is not as easy as it seems. You may have to dedicate yourself full time to first study the nuances of online marketing and then to implement them seamlessly. This is clearly not something you are intended to do when your focus has to be to execute your business. This is where Digital Marketing Agencies can provide you with a helping hand. All you need to do is to simply outsource your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and other digital marketing activities to those agencies and save your time by focusing on your core business.

SEO - Search Engine Optimization is a very important aspect of your online business that should not be overlooked. It helps your website to be popped to the top on certain important key phrases which in turn helps you to increase organic traffic to your website. Here are 7 On-Page SEO techniques that will help you find a new audience in 2019.

1. Goal

Setting goal is an important parameter that needs to be followed by every startup that is dependent on positive search results. You may think it is easy to grab customer attention but the crowded and competitive online space makes it an uphill task unless you a clear strategy. Startups need to have a well–defined goal for SEO that can help them track if they are moving in the right direction as projected. The goals that you create must be objective, measurable and achievable. For example, doubling the ratio of traffic/conversion rate of the website in the next two years is a tangible and achievable goal. Similarly, increasing the traffic rate to the blog by 50% is also an acceptable goal. Setting goals give us an overview of what we have done and it surely helps us find areas that need improvement. Google Analytics is an excellent tool to set goals. It is also an amazing free tool by Google to check how the website is performing.

Follow the tip given in this link and create goals for your website too.https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1032415?hl=en

2. Your Competitor’s Backlinks – Keep an eye on them

Analyzing your competition was always a part of business strategy. In SEO, analyzing the backlinks created and maintained by your competitor is one of the key competition analyses. When you measure and understand the backlinks created by your competitors, you begin to understand the magnitude of the work that needs to be done. It also gives you a fair idea of what your competitors are doing. Backlinks play a key role in ranking your website on top of the search results. Acquiring a backlink from a trusted website is not an easy task. This is where the backlink analysis can give you an idea of where you can also create backlinks for your business website. You may simply find out the referring domains from where your competitor’s websites are getting more traffic and start implementing your website’s link on them.

3. Keyword Research Matters

Keywords are the bread and butter of SEO. Not only do they play a pivotal role in making your website rank in Google but also find your potential customers who will be directed by the web traffic. The challenge here is to use the right set of keywords to attract the target audience. The keywords you choose have to be relevant to the content of the blog articles or pages of your website. Take care not to overdo the keywords and dumping them in your content. If you overdo the keywords, Google’s algorithms are smart and may identify the same. The search engine may end up penalizing your website and that is the last thing you want to have. Hence it is always better to have a strategy for your keywords, choose them wisely and build content accordingly. In a nutshell, your content should be of meaning to the end users or content consumers.

4. Optimize Meta Tags

Meta tags are key elements that play a significant role in ranking your website. Your potential audiences are reading this information in the search result and then decide to click through to come inside your website. So the Meta information with the relevant keyword has to be short, crisp and should convey the perfect message of what the page content is all about. The Meta information has a character limit and hence your language skill comes into play here.

5. Webmaster Tools is a Gold Mine

Your website needs to have access to webmaster tools so that it can be tested and measured for overall performance. Webmaster tools also guide you precisely for any technical issues your website might be having. Some of the issues the webmaster tools can point are crawl errors, speed issues, user experiences in terms of mobile compatibility, etc. The webmaster tools also provide rich insight into the search queries that are driving traffic to your website. When you add your website URL to the webmaster it is directly asking Google search engine to crawl and index your pages immediately.

6. Fix Broken Images and Links

If the links are broken it may lead the user nowhere and it looks awkward. Broken image issue can occur if you have linked an external image to your site and that image happens to be removed. A broken link to content might occur if you have deleted a page and have not given any redirect to another relevant page or the home page of the website (It is technically referred to as 301 redirects). Such broken links harm your reputation or online perception and do not provide a better user experience.

7. Structure of the URL

The structure of the URL on your website is another important ranking factor. It should be simple with no special characters and it should grab both the users’ and the Google search engine’s attention.

The above-listed SEO techniques are just the tip of a big iceberg called SEO. These are simple yet powerful measures that you can attempt to do on your own provided you have time. Having said that it is always better you hire the best SEO company to help grow your business.