Advantages of compounding pharmacy: Australian pharmacist services for special patients

Author: Edward Win

Advantages of compounding pharmacy: Australian pharmacist services for special patients

As is known, the patient's needs not always can be met with the help of the pharmaceutical industry. In this case, they depend on the pharmacists and their skills of drug preparation in dosage or in a form adapted to their particular situation. Today, more than 90% of medicines are of industrial origin and less than 10% are manufactured in compounding pharmacy. Australia, despite this fact, is a country, where custom compounding has become an important component and an integral part of pharmaceutical practice and a valuable pharmaceutical service of a modern healthcare system.

Advantages of medicines made in pharmacies according to custom compounding:

  • Eliminate risks of buying fake drug: a medicine is made according to the individually specified dosage and ingredients, which is clearly defined in the recipe, taking into account the age, previous diseases and other features of the organism, which is very important for conducting rational treatment;

  • Price: the price of custom compounding drugs is formed without additional expenses that are usually costs for registration, packaging production, advertising, etc.

  • Elimination of side effects: drugs made on the condition of a pharmacy, do not contain stabilizers, preservatives, allergens and dyes so a probability of negative side effects or allergies during their usage is minimal;

  • Professional services: ACPHARM is an example of an Australian compounding pharmacy. Sydney clients can get medicines developed by professional pharmacists, who have rich experience.

Who especially needs an individual approach concerning custom compounding?Can you imagine a child who is suffering from a chronic or a rare disease and who needs to take a solid pill or a big enough capsule of drugs? How many efforts do they need in order to swallow it? Children need the services of pharmacies most of all since the range of dosage forms for them is limited in the pharmaceutical industry. Dosages in the production of such drugs are so small that in a factory they cannot be made without stabilizers and fillers, and due to their long shelf life, it is hard to avoid preservatives. And dividing a pill into pieces, opening the capsules and other dosage methods reduce the effectiveness of a drug. In addition, pediatricians say that many drugs for children, do not even have analogues in industrial production. It can be vital for them to use the services of compounding pharmacy.

Sydney parents and pediatricians may consider an option of ACPHARM, as they provide: alternative delivery methods by combining several drugs into one for saving money and reducing medication quantity and adaptive dosage for avoidance capsules division into several pieces or taking several pills at once

Improvement of your hair by science shampoo

Since, you have decided to deal with your hair loss problem with the help of ACPHARM pharmacists, pay attention to a science shampoo developed by them. Unique formulation and ingredients, containing in this shampoo, in combination with hair science solution will amaze you with a positive result in a short period. The main characteristics of such shampoo: