How Deliverance Ministries Touches the Lives of Children in Need

Author: Ross Jack

Children across the world are living in need, in conditions of fear, poverty, and pain. How can these vulnerable children in need be given the comfort and hope they deserve and need?

Sadly, millions and millions of children across the world have been born into poverty. Some are victims of misery, whether in drought-ridden villages or city slums. Others are sufferers of mental or physical exploitation, war or simply neglect. Nothing is worse than a child in despair thinking that nobody cares.

People involved in children's ministries are the ones, who not only deliver help to the world's most underprivileged children but also offer them hope for the future. Christian ministries for children exist to perform God's work and improve the lives of children everywhere. And they affect the lives of children in need not only in applied ways but in spiritual ways as well.

Thanks to the continuous effort of children's ministries, children in need learn that they are precious to God and how to restore their trust in His love. Perhaps for the first-time children in need gains a sense of worthiness and the information that whatever happens they are not in this alone.

A ministry for children exists in almost every country in the world, doing God's work to affect the lives of children in various ways. They are truthful to their original purpose, which is to communicate children about God and help children in need. But the work of each children's ministry has grown and expanded over the years.

Thousands of children's ministries are involved in working with children in need, living in conditions of poverty. These include the starving, the homeless, the sick and the orphaned. Children's ministries work in countries such as the Philippines, India, Ethiopia, Peru, and doing God's work to touch the lives of children where it is needed most. Other children's ministries are involved with helping those who live in developed countries but suffer poverty regarding emotional needs. They may have suffered neglect and abuse from a young age so that they lack any sense of self-worthiness. Some may have turned to drugs and alcohol and require help to have their lives back on track.

The most respected children's charities could not do God's work without the Christian ministry. It is vital to their aims that children learn about Jesus Christ and the Bible. They don't believe in "quick-fix" care, but in touching the lives of children in need of long-term transformation.

One such children's ministry, which has saved the lives of thousands of children in Asia, Africa, and South and Central America, simply quotes: "To us, the most loving thing we can do for children is to acquaint them to Jesus Christ." The charity does much of God's valuable work through an extensive child sponsorship program. Kind people send a modest sum every month to ensure that an individual child receives clean water, regular health care, proper nourishment, education, life-skills training, and Christian teaching.

In this way, the children who are sponsored are touched by God's love in action. As they learn about Christ and His message of "love thy neighbor" they see the evidence of God's work through Christian care and charity all around.