Difference between Big Data And Data Science

Author: Stat Analytica

Big data and cloud computing are the two different terms in technology. But still the majority of people having a confusing between these two terms. In this article, we are going to learn the actual difference between big data and cloud computing.

Big data is highly in demand technology in the world. Big Data is all about statistics and analytics. The primary role of Big Data is to get the required result from the unsorted data based on the outcome of the data the big data analysis take prediction based decisions.

Therefore Big data is about collecting raw data through various sources and convert them into meaning data to make decisions based on the prediction.. Big Data holds the following characteristics, i.e., Velocity, Volume, Variety, Veracity, Variability, and Value. R and Python both high-level languages use with Big Data. Apart from this, here are some technologies use with Big DataData ManagementData MiningHadoopIn-Memory AnalyticsPredictive AnalyticsText Mining

On the other hand, Cloud computing is the technology in which the user uses the resources of other computers over the internet. The resources can be software or hardware. With the help of cloud computing, the user can store lots of data without having a storage device. Cloud computing is used by the number of companies to provide services to their customers.

Cloud Computing divided into three major categories.

  1. SaaS:- This term is popular term software as a service known as SaaS. In this, the user uses the software installed on the server computer. SaaS service primarily provides of subscription basis. Almost all the SaaS companies charge some amount of money from the user to have their service. Moz is the best example of SaaS. Lots of software companies are moving towards SaaS technologies. Adobe is the one that is now providing one of its product as a SaaS.
  2. IaaS: Infrastructure as a service is known as IaaS. In this context, the user uses the hardware infrastructure of the company. IaaS provides the storage space to the users. IaaS can be a fee or Paid. The best example of Iaas is Google drive and Dropbox.
  3. PaaS: Platform as a Service is known as PaaS. The developer uses PaaS to create and manage their application or software over the internet. Some PaaS companies also provide some additional tools to help the developers to develop their app or software. PaaS service is secure and reliable. The best example of PaaS is AWS(Amazon web services).


At the end after having the difference between Big Data and Cloud computing.We can say that big data is about collecting the raw data through different sources and sort it to make it a meaningful data. The data is use to take the prediction based decisions. On the other hand cloud computing is about using the resources of other computer. The resource can be software, hardware or an application.

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