Turning Occasions Into Marketing Opportunities

Author: Oscar Shepherd

Christmas is around the corner and for the business organization, it is an opportunity, not an occasion. It has been seen as a trend that business organizations count on these occasions to make the possibilities of their sales to be increased and this is counted as a popular strategy in recent times. Well, if you are into the business and are looking for the ways in order to get the best of these occasions to be used in order to make your brand to be marketed then you can contemplate on these tips.

1. Add a Christmas flair to your branding

Well, what every business can do is add the recent elements to the branding that it is working on. Like maybe making their packaging. With a Christmas logo maker, you can change the logo of your brand which then could be used in order to market your products. If you don’t want to use the Reward your fans or customers

Well, occasions are always about spreading happiness and especially Christmas is about gifts and presents. To make it be turned into a marketing opportunity you can contemplate on rewarding your customers on a random basis or maybe some criteria basis. This will make your brand to be announced more attractively among the customers. This could be another good way to turn the potential customers to be interested in your brand.

3. Publish themed videos

What is around the corner is always on the mind of the people and this is what could be a technique to market the brand. When there is some occasion around the corner publishing themed videos about it makes the videos more noticeable and thus can affect the marketing of the brand to have positive impacts. Also, themed videos could make the attraction to be increased of customers and making the best to be gained out of the marketing campaign.

4. Email marketing campaign related to Christmas

Well, email marketing is already said to be specific with related to the things that are connected to the brand or the business. This could be potentially used to make the branding to be done with respect to occasions like Christmas. Launching a specific email marketing campaign related to the Christmas said to be one of the ways to use occasions for the branding and marketing purposes. At times emails like these are concerned as spam however the emails that are about something specific are more likely to be noticed by the readers.

5. Offer something like discounts

This although is very common in the business world today but more likely it is the most successful technique of marketing the organization or brand in the times of occasions. We see a number of sales, discounts and other such things when the Christmas or any other occasion is around the corner. While thinking of why I came to know that it is one of the techniques to play with the minds of the customers and with this strategy the customers might buy even things that they do not want in the first place. People seeing the discounts and sales buy things and this could be a great way to increase sales.

6. Make your social media page to be themed

Themes are not only said to be impactful in the emails but they could be influential to other marketing techniques as well. Themed social media pages will have more attraction and attention of the customers which will make their products to be marketed to the potential customers more appropriately and efficiently.

7. Host an event related to the occasion

Well, the main purpose of marketing is either to create awareness or to make the attraction to be increased and hosting an event could make the both to be fulfilled at the same time which is why this is in the list as well. Hosting an event will give the organization a chance to gather potential customers and then this could be used to make the contemplations on increasing sales. This is one of the best ideas on the list.

These are few ideas of how you can make the best out of the occasions and how you can make them be tuned into your marketing strategy. Contemplating on these could make you able to effectively market your brand or product and increase your sales.