Cat Food and Dog Food. Any major difference?

Author: Doggy Friend

You've always fed your pets respective Wellness dog food and wellness cat food to your dogs and cats. And you must have encountered, and, if you didn't you might; to feed your Cat the wellness dog food because the cat food ran out or Vice verse. For layman pet parent, it makes no difference in either food even though we buy different cat and dog food. But curiously is there any difference in both the meals, at a surface we might nod and walk away with our lives but if there's any difference, then how much the cat and dog food actually differ.?

After consulting to a pet doctor, it is found out that wellness grain free cat food has much higher protein than dog pet food. Cats by nature are obligate carnivores and have a higher need for protein, essential amino acids, fatty acids, and many vitamins. Their bodies can't create crucial nutrients to meet the body's metabolic needs. Thus, dogs could eat cat food, but cats should never be fed dog food. Moreover, some cat nutrients can be dangerous for dogs too.

Cats have much high safety tolerance than dogs to some specific nutrients. Cat's have evolved them in some way that has made them tolerant to high Vitamin D levels that can make dogs sick or even worse. Also, cat food is made with much more fats than dog food. Therefore, dogs prone to fat intolerance should not be allowed to eat cat foods, as they result in an upset stomach. Canned cat food has much higher proteins which can be heavy on Dog's digestive system.

Such observation and studies are the prime reason why Fish or Marine based food should not be fed to dogs.

Contrastingly, if cats were made to eat dog food nothing terrible can be expected, however, in the long run, it can lead to protein, amino acids, and essential nutrients deficiency for cats because the requirement of the protein in dogs are much less as compared to cat's food.

Dog's can be very fond of eating cat food, but only small quantities must be given a treat or so. Thus, an amount must be maintained while giving cat food to dogs.