Data Mining Techniques Top Engineering Colleges in Pune Teach You

Author: Sit Pune

Data mining involves looking at large information banks to generate new information. Contrary to common belief, data mining isn’t about extracting new data but extrapolating patterns and new knowledge from existing data.

Specialists in data mining have dedicated their careers to research and understanding of various methods to process and draw conclusions from vast amounts of information.

Data mining is highly effective, so long as it draws upon one or more of these techniques:

1. Tracking patterns

This is the most basic technique in data mining and refers to learning how to recognize patterns in data sets. This usually means the recognition of some aberration in your data that occurs at regular intervals, or an ebb and flow of a certain variable over time.

2. Classification

This is a more complex data mining technique that requires collecting various attributes and putting them into discernible categories. Once this is done you can use these categories to draw further conclusions, or serve a certain function.

3. Association

This technique relates to tracking patterns, but is more specific to dependently linked variables. Here, you’ll look for specific events or attributes that are highly correlated with another event; for instance, you might notice that when your customer buys a specific item, he/she also purchases a second, related item. This is how the "people also bought" section of e-commerce stores is created.

4. Outlier detection

Often, only recognizing overarching patterns isn’t enough to give you a clear understanding of your data set. You also need to identify anomalies, or outliers in your data. Doing so will help you investigate the cause behind such anomalies and enable you to make necessary modifications.

5. Prediction

Prediction is the most valuable data mining technique. It is used to project the types of data you can expect in the future. In most cases, simply recognizing and understanding historical trends is enough to chart a calculated, informed prediction for the future.

However you approach it, data mining is the best collection of techniques you have if you want to make the most out of data you’ve so carefully and laboriously gathered. To learn such techniques and more enroll at the best engineering colleges in Maharashtra which prepare you for dynamic careers in the emerging data science sector.


Symbiosis Institute of Technology, a constituent of Symbiosis International University was established in the year, 2008 and currently offers B. Tech programmes in Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, Information Technology and Mechanical Engineering and M.Tech programmes in Computer Aided Design and Manufacture, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering. Research programmes leading to Ph. D. Degree were introduced in Faculty of Engineering of Symbiosis International University in 2010.

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