Why should one consider an astrologer?

Author: Kunal Shah

Astrology is a popular method of deriving information about the future of a human, based on various calculations and studies. It usually involves studying celestial objects. An astrologer is a person who uses astrology to tell others about their character or to predict their future.

Since the beginning of the new millennium, people have developed awareness about the calculated events of life. Astrology says that the events in our lives follow definite patterns and cycles. Today, this realization has made people eager to determine and direct their future fate or destiny. In Astrology, cycles of the heavenly bodies are compared with the events below on Earth. The relationship between the two cycles is analyzed. Using this relation, the future can be determined.

Contemporary astrology consists of three main things:

  1. Sun Sign astrology
  2. Modern astrology
  3. Traditional (pre-1700) astrology

Sun sign astrology is that which appears in the newspapers, magazines and the Internet. It is not very accurate. It addresses only 12 signs, i.e., only 12 personality types. This information is not enough for an astrologer. An astrologer requires more information about a person to predict the future correctly. Moreover, these columns prefer to follow the old fortune telling technique. The trick is to make vague guesses about things that can happen to anyone. Therefore, sun sign astrology columns do not help in determining the exact future. The predictions of those columns fail most of the times.

Therefore, just reading sun sign astrology columns would not be of much help. You need to consider astrologers for accurate information. The astrologers today follow the modern psychological astrology.

The modern psychological method follows a number of methods including analyzing the movement of all nine planets to predict the future. In psychological astrology, the planets, their strengths, weaknesses, and interactions to the forces at work are analyzed with your minds and emotions. This type of astrology produces exact results most of the times and is thus widely used for counseling and self-discovery.

Astrology gives answers to the questions related to "What if?" Before doing any task, everyone first thinks about the consequences. Knowing the future would help you curb the disaster that could have been caused by your small action. Astrology is the best solution for this consequence conscious generation. If you have enough faith in the methods of astrology, you will find things going according to what astrologers predicted for you. But, if you refuse to believe what astrology predicts for you, things will not go as you want them to.

Now that you have known about astrology, you must want to visit an astrologer. There are good astrologers in Thane who can predict almost all about you. There are also many famous astrologers in Navi Mumbai who can predict the future for you. The best astrologer in Navi Mumbai can predict your future with utmost perfection. You can consult any of them for predicting your future and act accordingly.